SYSLISTS Dictionary (OpenInsight 32-bit)
At 31 JAN 2020 06:16:39PM cmeyer wrote:
I seem to have lost the SYSLISTS dictionary. I would like to perform a select on the SYSLISTS file as a precursor to a popup for the user to select a previously save list. Is there any way to create a dictionary for the SYSLISTS table to enable a select.
Using OI9.4
Any advice would be grateful.
At 01 FEB 2020 12:37PM Donald Bakke wrote:
Hi Chris - SYSLISTS doesn't have a dictionary. However, you can use the columns defined in SYSDICT against SYSLISTS. @ID, F1, F2, F3, F4, and F5 are all predefined so perhaps they will work for you.
At 04 FEB 2020 07:17AM D Harmacek wrote:
The OI subroutine Save_Select will create documentation in the first row of the first segment of a saved list in SYSLISTS. You can create SYSDICT entries so you can include the values in a report.
The first character of this documentation row is the @tm character, else it is a key value and not documentation.
If documentation, then decode that first row using @tm:
Second is the DateTime in internal format, see Iconv DT.
Third is the user who created the list.
Fourth is the number of keys in the list.
Fifth are comments.
See subroutine Save_Select. In OI 9 I found that the Save_Select "comment" argument didn't work for me.
The formula to retrieve the User in SYSDICT would be:
if @record[1,1] eq @tm then
@ans = field( @record, @tm, 3)end else @ans = ''
Dave Harmacek - Harmacek Database Systems - near Boston, MA USA