OI 10 Repository check out crashes (OpenInsight 64-bit)
At 28 MAY 2020 08:15:37AM Kendal Hulbert wrote:
I have installed OI 10, set up Git and a couple of dummy users with full admin rights.
I created and compiled 3 stored procedures and pushed and pulled them to the Git Repository.
I then attempted to 'check out' one or more of the stored procs using Tools→Repository→Check In/Check Out→ Check Out.
The check out form opens and I leave everything as defaulted, but just click in the Location editline:
OpenInsight debugger opens with RTP27 in the title bar and a fatal runtime error displays "SYS1000: Error loading program "-@".
Click in the Heading editline, same thing.
Have I missed something?
I have not created an entry point yet, just starting a dummy app to test new routines etc in OI 10.
At 28 MAY 2020 04:25PM Richard Bright wrote:
H Kendal,
For clarity - could you identify the version / build of OIv10.o.x?
Thanks Richard
At 29 MAY 2020 03:01AM Kendal Hulbert wrote:
Hi Richard
Version 10.0.7
At 29 MAY 2020 03:37AM Kendal Hulbert wrote:
I am using a new windows 10 pc, up to date version 1909.
I have just totally removed OI 10 and Git from the pc, done a cleanup and rebooted the machine.
Then I re-installed OI 10 only, no Git or Git Extensions etc. Created an Application and a single System Admin user.
I then attempted the Check out process again, same result as described in initial thread.
At 24 JUL 2020 04:16AM Kendal Hulbert wrote:
It appears to have been a windows update or something in that regard. I have changed nothing between the previous post and this one.
But now it works and does not crash.
At 24 JUL 2020 07:03PM Barry Stevens wrote:
It appears to have been a windows update or something in that regard. I have changed nothing between the previous post and this one.
But now it works and does not crash.
When you re-installed OI10, did you download it again?
If so, that maybe the reason it worked. The latest verion is 10.0.8, you said you were running 10.07.