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At 15 MAR 2022 11:35:41PM cmeyer wrote:

I was trying to fix a display issue on one of the forms where a radio button would display both options being selected at the same time. Then when you hover over the radio button the display would correct itself.

I inserted a "REDRAW" statement in the read event. That did not fix the problem but it slowed the read function greatly. Then I realised that there was already a "REDRAW" on the primary commuter module (commuter_Events routine).

Moral of the story is, when you have:

Set_Property(@Window, "REDRAW", false$)

Call subroutine

In that subroutine

Set_Property(@Window, "REDRAW", false$)



Set_Property(@Window, "REDRAW", True$)




Set_Property(@Window, "REDRAW", True$)

I realise is is an coding error but wanted to point out that the error has a profound impact on the read event.


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