OsRead()/OsWrite()/etc. Status() return values. (OpenInsight)
At 05 JAN 2001 01:26:52PM Tom Savell wrote:
I notice that the OI help and manuals only list three possible values for Status() from OsRead, OsWrite, etc. Namely:
0= No error
2= Access Denied by Operating System
5= Undefined error (OSClose only).
Am I to assume that the all the other old Status() values are no longer valid and will not occur?
1= Bad file
3= Disk or directory full
4= File does not exist
6= Attempt to write to a read-only file
7= Invalid Write Posit
I also believe there was also an 8 but I don't remember what it was.
If true, why have these old flags been discarded?
Tom Savell
At 06 JAN 2001 09:06AM WinWIn/Revelation Technical Support wrote:
I'm pretty sure they still work and return. I'll test this week and post a definitive response.