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At 24 NOV 2023 09:36:07AM Karl Pozmann wrote:

I would like to use upper and lower case characters when creating/editing a table's dictionary. I've looked through the documentation and haven't found anything. Is upper case the only option?

At 24 NOV 2023 10:23AM Andrew McAuley wrote:

For what? Row Ids, yes, descriptions less so…

The Sprezzatura Group

The Sprezzatura Blog

World leaders in all things RevSoft

At 24 NOV 2023 10:38AM Karl Pozmann wrote:

Thanks Andrew - I was thinking it might look more "modern" using proper case for field/column names as well as the table names. I would like to have a table named DrugProduct with an attribute defined as DrugNDC - but the table designer only allows uppercase. I imagine it might impact other operations as well using propercase so I should probably stick with upper case for table and attribute names….

At 24 NOV 2023 10:44AM Andrew McAuley wrote:

Well in all honesty now the 8.3 naming convention has been abolished there is really absolutely no reason WHY you can't call your DOS files DrugProduct.* and edit the media map accordingly BUT you'd have to refer to it as DRUGPRODUCT programmatically.

To work out where lower case will likely be allowed think "Is this typeable at TCL?" because TCL will automatically uppercase the lower case name used, as probably will RLIST.

The Sprezzatura Group

The Sprezzatura Blog

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