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At 07 JUL 2020 08:38:01AM Brad Bishop wrote:

Has anybody been successful accessing serial ports from within V10 ? I have have been able to do it with 7.3 and 9.4 using mscomm32.ocx but as of yet have been unable to get working in 10. Any examples from someone that has it working would be great.

thanks in advance


At 07 JUL 2020 09:10AM bshumsky wrote:

Has anybody been successful accessing serial ports from within V10 ? I have have been able to do it with 7.3 and 9.4 using mscomm32.ocx but as of yet have been unable to get working in 10. Any examples from someone that has it working would be great.

thanks in advance


Hi, Brad. I may be wrong, but isn't mscomm32.ocx a 32bit control, which shipped with VB6 originally? Since OI 10 is 64 bit only, you can't access 32 bit OLE controls, I'm afraid.

You might try communicating with the serial ports via .NET - either writing a (hopefully simple) .net routine that you then COM-enable, or using RevDotNet to "talk" with .NET directly from inside OI…?

Here's an example of communicating with the serial port in

Hope that helps,

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 09 JUL 2020 11:18AM Brad Bishop wrote:

Given these are OCX's and the OLE functionality has been rewritten in v10, do I now to add an ole definition for these controls ? And if so, is there a basic\standard definition ?

At 09 JUL 2020 02:36PM bob carten wrote:

Hi Brad,

Because OI10 is a 64bit product it cannot work with a 32bit OCX.

At 09 JUL 2020 02:40PM Donald Bakke wrote:

We've used Eltima's product and it is quite solid. They report having a 64-bit version so I would expect this to work with OI 10.

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 09 JUL 2020 04:56PM Brad Bishop wrote:

Thanks Don I will check that out.

It seems that if I wanted to do this using native Windows dotnet would need to use "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\system.dll" which has properties for System.IO.Ports. Once I have access to that as a dotnet object there are lots of examples to follow so I think I can resolve it within Open Insight. What I can't determine is how to setup that dll to be usable as a dotnet object in Open Insight. This will be a non-form object that in a low level subroutine that gets called whenever a scale weight is needed. The documentation mentions non-form objects but provides no guidance on how to set one up. I've tried lots of variations based on the calendar control example, but haven't found the right set up. Again any guidance would be helpful.


At 10 SEP 2020 04:20PM Brad Bishop wrote:

I have been able to get this working using Scomm64 from Axis Controls Ltd.. The best part is they have both a 32bit and 64bit control so that I'll be able to get the current 7.3 system and new system using the same controls which will simplify maintenance.


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