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At 15 JUL 2021 06:06:16PM BrianWick wrote:

Hi -

Having just converted from OI 9 to OI 10, on occasion the CtlEntID on an event comes back with a few random characters attached to the end.

An inspect of the webpage element of a control might be MYCONTROL but when it comes in to O4W the CtlEntID looks like MYCONTROLdsdnnnu.

This does not happen inand has never happened in OI 9 O4W.

For a hack fix currently I just do an O4WRedirect using the previous Request<10> - in other words a wasted Round Trip.

Before I go crazy ripping things apart is this something anybody has experienced or a reason why it happens



At 16 JUL 2021 08:30AM bshumsky wrote:

Hi, Brian. I thought someone else had reported this, mainly to do with file uploads and downloads. Do you have a file upload in your form?

What's the date on your oecgi4.exe? I thought it had been fixed in the latest version, but perhaps that version isn't in the OI 10 you installed…


- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 16 JUL 2021 09:19AM BrianWick wrote:

hi bryan -


the version that come off the OI 10 install



At 16 JUL 2021 07:03PM bshumsky wrote:

Hi, Brian. If you look in the Works downloads, the top entry is for an updated oecgi4.exe. It's listed as being for OI 9.4, but I think it will work in your OI 10 as well (be sure to download the 64bit version).

After you download the new oecgi4.exe, please be sure to right-click and check its properties - it may need to have the "unblock" checkbox checked.

Save off your current oecgi4.exe, put this new downloaded one in its place, and see if it works better for you?


- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 16 JUL 2021 07:32PM BrianWick wrote:

Hi Bryan -

it is performing better. The extra chars attached to EVENT and CTLENTID seem to be gone.

However, on average if i upload an image and do it again 5 or 6 times i will eventually get an:

Cannot process query: /oecgi4.exe/O4W_MAIN1FORM

And I am waiting for the previous upload to complete waiting a few seconds before attempting again.

For additional O4WUploadBox controls drawn on the page - those uploads never work.

tx. bri

At 17 JUL 2021 09:43AM bshumsky wrote:

Hi, Brian. Glad to hear that (seems to have) fixed the issue!

Regarding your other issues about the upload box, I think that's related to some errors in your program (versus in the O4W routines themselves), and I have replied to you via email regarding that.

Hope that helps,

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

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