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At 31 MAR 2023 04:08:16PM Mike Ruane wrote:

As most of you know, today is the day that we stop support and development on OpenInsight 9.

I'd have to say, pretty immodestly, that it has been the most successful version of OpenInsight ever.

Initially released in January of 2009, it has supported us, and our customers, and their customers and users for over 14 years.

It has done its job well.

I believe that at the end of my work day today, I will stop by my local pub and raise a glass to the developers, vendors, and users who contributed to its success.

Thanks to you all.

Mike Ruane

President/CEO, Revelation Software

At 31 MAR 2023 04:13PM Donald Bakke wrote:

As most of you know, today is the day that we stop support and development on OpenInsight 9.

I'd have to say, pretty immodestly, that it has been the most successful version of OpenInsight ever.

Initially released in January of 2009, it has supported us, and our customers, and their customers and users for over 14 years.

It has done its job well.

I believe that at the of my work day today, I will stop by my local pub and raise a glass to the developers, vendors, and users who contributed to its success.

Thanks to you all.

Mike Ruane

President/CEO, Revelation Software

The king (OI 9) is dead, long live the king (OI 10)!

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 21 AUG 2023 12:24PM sbotes wrote:

It has been a very good run, thanks to all!

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