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At 05 JAN 2012 02:56:53PM cborne wrote:

Hello again!

I'm having a strange issue with BMP and OIPI. On all computers it looks like this:


On the terminal server, it looks like this:


This is the line of code creating the BMP on the report:

z = Set_Printer("BMP", "O:\OI32Bit\BMPs\THCA.JPG", 6:@FM:.5:@FM::@FM:, 1, 1)

I have the permissions on the folder set to allow EVERYONE full access…

At 05 JAN 2012 03:01PM Sean FitzSimons wrote:


Does the terminal server recognize the drive mapping?

Sean FitzSimons

Revelation Software

At 05 JAN 2012 03:04PM cborne wrote:

Hi Sean,

Yes it does.

At 06 JAN 2012 08:27AM Jared Bratu wrote:

My initial thought is it's a screen rendering issue due to the terminal color pallet but I would expect it to print correctly if that were the case. Here are a couple questions to help narrow down the scope of the problem.

Do other BMP items print correctly or is it limited to this particular image?

If you run a test from the server console, not a terminal server session, does the control print?

If you call set_status(0) before the Set_Printer function and get_status(err) after does err contain any clues?

At 06 JAN 2012 11:02AM Bob Orsini wrote:


I would first try an osread from the path and see if you can read the contents. If you can't then it is a path issue if you can then it is a rendering issue.


At 06 JAN 2012 11:05AM cborne wrote:

Juts an FYI. When I have the report appear in the OIPI viewer the BMPs appear. When I export it to PDF they are not there. Sorry for not mentioning that before.

At 06 JAN 2012 01:34PM cborne wrote:

May have narrowed it down a little. On Windows Server 2003 terminal server OIPI exports to PDF woth the BMPs displaying fine. On a Windows Server 2008 terminal server it does not show the BMPs on the OIPI exported PDF. Does that ring a bell for anyone?

At 06 JAN 2012 02:27PM cborne wrote:

Just tried another windows 2008 server and the PDF did not display any of the images.

At 09 JAN 2012 09:17AM cborne wrote:

Can anyone confirm this? And, if so, is there a workaround?

At 10 JAN 2012 10:41AM Jared Bratu wrote:

I tested OI 9.2.1 on a Windows 2008 terminal server using OIPI and (i.e. VSPRINTER and VSPRINTER2). Both worked correctly using the code below. What version of OpenInsight and OIPI are you using? Does the code sample below work for you?

p = ""

 p<1> = "Test Print"

 p<2> = ""

 p<3> = 6

 p<4> = "c:\temp\test.pdf"


 p5 = ""

 p5<1,1> = 2 ;* Enable preview

 p5<1,2> = 0 ;* Enable all buttons


 stat = Set_Printer("INIT", p, "", "", "", p5)

stat = Set_Printer("BMP", "BMPS\arev.BMP", 1:@fm:0, 1, 1)

stat = Set_Printer("TERM") 

At 10 JAN 2012 11:01AM cborne wrote:

Hi Jared, thanks for the response. Did you happen to try this in a remote desktop session? Because this is my result in a remote desktop session on 2 windows 2008 servers. A remote desktop session with Windows 2003 server works fine.


At 10 JAN 2012 01:32PM Jared Bratu wrote:

Yes, it was in a remote desktop session.

My file was about 156KB in size. What was your PDF size?

Does it display if you open the file outside of the remote desktop session on your local computer?

At 10 JAN 2012 01:45PM cborne wrote:

It's 895 bytes.

When I log into the console of the terminal server, the PDF generates with the picture just fine. I have tried this on two different Windows 2008 Servers and had the same result. If there is a setting in Windows preventing this from working properly, what could that be?

At 10 JAN 2012 03:29PM Jared Bratu wrote:

Is this OpenInsight 8.x?

Is there any difference in the process if you login with Administrator rights?

At 10 JAN 2012 03:30PM cborne wrote:

It's 8.0.6 - I am logged in as Admin. Thanks!

At 11 JAN 2012 08:51AM Jared Bratu wrote:

Everything worked as expected when I repeated the same test with 8.0.8 on my terminal server, even though Windows 2008 isn't a supported platform for OI 8.x.

Please email if you would like to continue troubleshooting this problem.

At 11 JAN 2012 08:58AM cborne wrote:

Thanks for spending the time on this Jared.

At 11 JAN 2012 10:51AM cborne wrote:

So, after we have determined that it is not specific to OI, I went ahead and took the images and saved them as bitmaps (one was png, the other jpg). The png that I converted to bitmap started working in the remote desktop session! The jpg that I converted did not. So I converted the jpg to a gif, and tried that. It started working! Keep in mind the png and the jpg all worked on the console and other operating systems. Very strange, but it is resolved. Thank you for your help Jared.

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