System Startup (OpenInsight 64-bit)
At 25 JUN 2021 01:41:26AM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:
Can I still start my system with my defalut mdi coming up
also the ide startup page so I can develop
Reason is
1. attaching files when I log in rather than using dbt
2. so i can start working but have the dev available when needed
ie use the /HI = 0 option and /HO = 0 (don't hide the ps and engine)
Can't seem to make it work
I think Chris M asked a similar question before?
At 25 JUN 2021 05:06AM cmeyer wrote:
Hi Gerry,
Did you read my post on the subject. 21 JUN 2021 08:16AM
Make sure the MDI is NOT hidden on startup. If so, then you will have to apply the Carl Pates fix at the beginning of the create event and end of the create event.
Call Set_Property( "SYSTEM", "SUPPRESSAUTODESTROY", TRUE$ )I also attach file at login and don't use the DBT file. And yes, after logging on you can start RTI_IDE to continue developing
Hope this helps or give me a call if you require further clarification.
At 25 JUN 2021 06:02AM Carl Pates wrote:
Hi guys
Just to clarify:
The problem Chris refers to at the moment is that if you have a hidden start-up form that calls a dialog, and then the dialog exits before your startup form is visible, it triggers the "auto-destroy" sequence in the PS. This will close the system down if it thinks there are no visible windows, to avoid the issue where an app is "stuck" without any way to close it (other than the task manager) it runs when top-level OI windows are closed.
The next release turns off auto-destroy during the start-up window boot sequence, and explicitly checks for visible windows afterwards (i.e. emulates auto-destroy) - which is basically doing what I told Chris to do for the fix except you will no longer have to add it to your code if you need it.
In terms of starting the IDE - in v9 the AppDesigner (proto-IDE I guess) was coded in C as part of the PS itself, so it was a case of getting it out of the way and hiding it if you didn't want to see it, and there were also restrictions around different serials numbers like the "X" series.
In v10 this is no longer the case - all systems are are basically dev-capable ("D/W" serial) and the IDE is just another OI form, so you are free to integrate it in your application any way you wish. You don't have to get it out of the way - you can use it wherever it makes sense to you.
E.g. if you want to see it on startup you could add a switch to your command line and look for it in your startup form event processing, or make check to see if it's a certain user and then load it etc.
If you do want to load the IDE yourself can either:
1) Start the RTI_IDE window directly
2) Start the RTI_IDE_BOOTLOADER window, which is what the system uses, and puts up the progress splash-screen which it loads.
At 25 JUN 2021 06:15AM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:
Thanks guys
Will digest …
At 27 JUN 2021 11:59PM Matthew Crozier wrote:
.. there were also restrictions around different serials numbers like the "X" series.
In v10 this is no longer the case - all systems are are basically dev-capable ("D/W" serial) ..
Questions for Revelation -
Does this mean that an 'X' runtime licence system can't be upgraded to OI 10, and/or OI 10 won't work with an 'X' licence?
We use a specific 'X' licence for restricted evaluation/trial systems, and we've implemented our own expiry system on these.
Is it still kosha to distribute single-user shrink-wrapped evaluation systems that use a specific serial number? Or is there an alternative licencing scheme for these?
Cheers, M@
At 28 JUN 2021 08:14AM Mike Ruane wrote:
Correct. Never have been and never will be X serial numbers in OI 10.
Contact us directly for some licensing options.
At 28 JUN 2021 05:09PM Matthew Crozier wrote:
Contact us directly for some licensing options.
Thanks Mike. I'll get in touch closer to the time we need these.
Cheers, M@