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At 15 AUG 2020 09:09:12PM cmeyer wrote:

In preparation to convert my app to OI10.0.8 I have been cleaning up 23 years of junk including forms converted from AREV and forms moved to inherited accounts.

I have a list of programs form SYSPROCS that have been moved to inherited accounts and now want to delete the original.

I wish to know what files I need to include to delete ALL old program references. These file I am aware of:


SYSPROCS Source code

SYSOBJ Compiled code


What file contain the debug records?

Do I need to do anything about SYSREPOS file?

Any advice would be appreciated.


At 16 AUG 2020 01:10AM Donald Bakke wrote:

In preparation to convert my app to OI10.0.8 I have been cleaning up 23 years of junk including forms converted from AREV and forms moved to inherited accounts.

I have a list of programs form SYSPROCS that have been moved to inherited accounts and now want to delete the original.

I wish to know what files I need to include to delete ALL old program references. These file I am aware of:


SYSPROCS Source code

SYSOBJ Compiled code


What file contain the debug records?

Do I need to do anything about SYSREPOS file?

Any advice would be appreciated.


Debug records are stored in SYSOBJ. Yes, you'll need to remove the SYSREPOS records as well for the STPROC, STPROCDBG, and STPROCEXE entities.

My suggestion is to just use the TDESTROY message of the Repository function which will clean up everything for you. Here's some sample code you can use:

Function Delete_Source(ProcName)

Declare Function Repository

EntityID = @APPID<1> : "*STPROCEXE**" : ProcName

Result   = Set_Status(0)

Result   = Repository('TDESTROY', EntityID)

If Get_Status(StatusCode) Then



Return ""

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 17 AUG 2020 05:39AM cmeyer wrote:

Thanks Don,

That worked a treat. Almost ready for the conversion.

Only question I have is there are some left over inserts that were also moved to the inherited accounts. Where do I find there as they were not included in the "TDESTROY" function.

Would also like to remove these leftover inserts.

Any advice would be grateful.


At 17 AUG 2020 08:28AM Donald Bakke wrote:

Thanks Don,

That worked a treat. Almost ready for the conversion.

Only question I have is there are some left over inserts that were also moved to the inherited accounts. Where do I find there as they were not included in the "TDESTROY" function.

Would also like to remove these leftover inserts.

Any advice would be grateful.


Look up the documentation for the Get_Repos_Entities function. You'll find a more comprehensive list of entity types there. If you only want to destroy a specific entity rather than the entity plus others, you should just use the DESTROY method.

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

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