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At 01 MAY 2020 12:25:13PM Richard Hunt wrote:

Windows 7, OI Ver 9.4

In short… I am finding that using the YIELD() subroutine within a procedure seems to speed it up!? How can that be? Not that it really matters. Its just been causing me to think about it often.

The procedure creates invoices using SET_PRINTER functions, exporting into a PDf file. I tested the time the process took using GETTICKCOUNT.

I tested several times using the same identical information. Not using YIELD() the average tick count was 889 with a low of 874 and a high of 905. 889 was the result over 50% of the time.

When I added YIELD(), which was called several times per invoice, the average tick count was 858 with a low of 842 and a hi of 874. 858 was the result over 50% of the time.

I understand that pending events executed by the YIELD() could slow things down, although using YIELD() sped things up on the average of 31 ticks per invoice. How can that be? Even with no events pending for the YIELD() you would think that the actual YIELD() call would use time not save time.


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