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At 11 FEB 2003 12:20:14PM Dave Harmacek wrote:

I've been using MAPI with a single attachment with success. Now I have to attach more than one file. I don't know what parameter to use the for POSITIONS parameter with more than one file. When just one file it is len( message) - 2. This parameter is defined as an @vm-delimited list. I assume associated with FILES and PATHS.


At 11 FEB 2003 01:33PM Dave Harmacek wrote:

With revewed vigor I found a solution:

POSITIONS is a list of @vm-delimited positions of the attachment positions within the text. I assumed that the FILES parameter is inserted at each position. So, the first attachment is at len( text) - 2, the second attachment is len( filename(1) + first + 1), and so on.

At 11 FEB 2003 01:41PM Don Miller - C3 Inc. wrote:

Dave ..

It might cause problems with some MAPI clients, though. Sometimes, I just Zip the attachments (or make self-extracting .EXE) and then it's just a single attachment.

Just a thought …

Don M.

At 12 FEB 2003 02:20AM Richard Bright wrote:

That looks right. I think I posted some sample code on an associated MAPI question from Barry several weeks ago.

At 13 FEB 2003 09:47AM John Bouley wrote:

You have to be careful about .exe attachments. Outlook security normally blocks these to the point that the recipent will not even be able to save the file to disk. You are much better off with a .zip.



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