Can't recreate named engine after timeout (OEngine Server)
At 28 MAY 2020 12:44:26AM Matthew Crozier wrote:
I'm trying to set up a simple OEngine server to a named OEngine, by specifying the EngineName in the OECGI registry settings. Using OI 9.4 with OECGI4.
OEsocketServer will successfully start that named Oengine and process requests. But if that Oengine is closed after an IdleTimeout, it can not be recreated for the next request. A -206 error is returned to the requester. If connected to a Linear Hash service, an FS1019 error may also be produced.
Also - even if the StartupFlag/ShutdownFlag are set to '0' for a persistent Oengine, OEsocketServer still checks for idle engines to remove. It won't close the Oengine on the first timeout, but does close on the second timeout. Thus causing a -206 failure on a subsequent request. A work around is to set a very high IdleCheck in eserver.cfg, to effectively stop it checking for idle oengines.
Have I missed some configuration steps? Below is a sample output from OEsocketServer (comments with '←' s)
Cheers, M@
C:\Work\>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_131\bin\java" -jar oesocketserver.jar -d 3 Version: - Licensed for use to CN=Revelation Software Started at 2020-05-27 15:50:27 2020-05-27 15:50:27:424 - EngineServer started on port 8089 Originally received request: *1COLLECTNONREVCOLLECT2WS-SERVERRUN_OECGI_REQUEST000* In state *0*, asked to execute command *1*, *11* parameters In LOGGED OUT state In SetProperties, mode is *2* thisSetting[1] is now *COLLECT* thisSetting[2] is now *NONREV* thisSetting[3] is now *COLLECT* thisSetting[4] is now *2* thisSetting[5] is now *WS-SERVER* thisSetting[6] is now *RUN_OECGI_REQUEST* thisSetting[7] is now *0* thisSetting[8] is now *0* thisSetting[9] is now ** thisSetting[10] is now *0* Connecting to engine, servername is *WS-SERVER*, application is *COLLECT*, user is *COLLECT*, procedure is *RUN_OECGI_REQUEST* in EngineFactory: Checkout, bAlwaysCreate is *false*, bCheckZombies is *false* looking for available engine, key is *COLLECT00COLLECTNONREV0* have 0 available engines Creating new engine Using default home dir Switching to directory *C:\Work\\* About to create engine, servername *WS-SERVER*, appName: *COLLECT*, createFlags: *2*, shutdownFlags: *2* About to create queue, queuename: *Q_8089_26804944023500*, appName: *COLLECT*, username: *COLLECT*, password: *NONREV* Adding to lInUse EngineStarted is *true* Returning *00WS-SERVERQ_8089_26804944023500COLLECT00COLLECTRUN_OECGI_REQUEST0W14809401* In OEngineFactory: checkIn - Putting used engine back in list Have 1 entries to check checking entry #0 found the entry in the lInUse adding back to lAvailable Writing response: *0000008800WS-SERVERQ_8089_26804944023500COLLECT00COLLECTRUN_OECGI_REQUEST0W14809401* Originally received request: *3þ/inet_traceþþ0þCGI/1.1þoffþtext/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9þ__utma=111872281.698465895.1531451089.1561421185.1574736634.4þþþMozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36þC:\inetpub\wwwroot\inet_traceþ::1þ::1þþþGETþ/cgi-bin/oecgi4.exeþlocalhostþ80þHTTP/1.1þMicrosoft-IIS/10.0þþþþRegistryInfo=SOFTWARE\RevSoft\OECGI4&EngineName=WS-SERVER&ServerURL=localhost&ServerPort=8089&ApplicationName=COLLECT&UserName=COLLECT&StartupFlags=0&ShutdownFlags=0&FilePath=&FilePathMapped=&FileMode=1&SysDownPage=&OILocation=&AdditionalValues=þVERSION:OECGI4þþ* In state *1*, asked to execute command *3*, *2* parameters in EngineFactory: Checkout, bAlwaysCreate is *false*, bCheckZombies is *false* looking for available engine, key is *COLLECT00COLLECTNONREV0* have 1 available engines found an engine to use in the available list In LOGGED IN state doing CALL Returning *0OECGI20Content-type: text/plain CONTENT_LENGTH = 0 CONTENT_TYPE = GATEWAY_INTERFACE = CGI/1.1 HTTPS = off HTTP_ACCEPT = text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9 HTTP_COOKIE = __utma=111872281.698465895.1531451089.1561421185.1574736634.4 HTTP_FROM = HTTP_REFERER = HTTP_USER_AGENT = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36 PATH_INFO = /inet_trace PATH_TRANSLATED = C:\inetpub\wwwroot\inet_trace QUERY_STRING = REMOTE_ADDR = ::1 REMOTE_HOST = ::1 REMOTE_IDENT = REMOTE_USER = REQUEST_METHOD = GET SCRIPT_NAME = /cgi-bin/oecgi4.exe SERVER_NAME = localhost SERVER_PORT = 80 SERVER_PROTOCOL = HTTP/1.1 SERVER_SOFTWARE = Microsoft-IIS/10.0 SERVER_URL = SERVER_SERIAL = W14809401 RegistryKey = SOFTWARE\RevSoft\OECGI4 EngineName = WS-SERVER ServerURL = localhost ServerPort = 8089 ApplicationName = COLLECT UserName = COLLECT StartupFlags = 0 ShutdownFlags = 0 FileMode = 1 FilePath = * In OEngineFactory: checkIn - Putting used engine back in list Have 1 entries to check checking entry #0 found the entry in the lInUse adding back to lAvailable Writing response: *000010500OECGI20Content-type: text/plain CONTENT_LENGTH = 0 CONTENT_TYPE = GATEWAY_INTERFACE = CGI/1.1 HTTPS = off HTTP_ACCEPT = text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9 HTTP_COOKIE = __utma=111872281.698465895.1531451089.1561421185.1574736634.4 HTTP_FROM = HTTP_REFERER = HTTP_USER_AGENT = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36 PATH_INFO = /inet_trace PATH_TRANSLATED = C:\inetpub\wwwroot\inet_trace QUERY_STRING = REMOTE_ADDR = ::1 REMOTE_HOST = ::1 REMOTE_IDENT = REMOTE_USER = REQUEST_METHOD = GET SCRIPT_NAME = /cgi-bin/oecgi4.exe SERVER_NAME = localhost SERVER_PORT = 80 SERVER_PROTOCOL = HTTP/1.1 SERVER_SOFTWARE = Microsoft-IIS/10.0 SERVER_URL = SERVER_SERIAL = W14809401 RegistryKey = SOFTWARE\RevSoft\OECGI4 EngineName = WS-SERVER ServerURL = localhost ServerPort = 8089 ApplicationName = COLLECT UserName = COLLECT StartupFlags = 0 ShutdownFlags = 0 FileMode = 1 FilePath = * Originally received request: *2* In state *1*, asked to execute command *2*, *1* parameters in EngineFactory: Checkout, bAlwaysCreate is *false*, bCheckZombies is *false* looking for available engine, key is *COLLECT00COLLECTNONREV0* have 1 available engines found an engine to use in the available list In LOGGED IN state doing LOGOFF Returning *00* In OEngineFactory: checkIn - Putting used engine back in list Have 1 entries to check checking entry #0 found the entry in the lInUse adding back to lAvailable Writing response: *0000000400* In OEngineFactory:CleanupTask - Running used engine cleanup Checking engine #1 for idle time In OEngineFactory:CleanupTask - Running used engine cleanup Checking engine #1 for idle time In OEngineFactory:CleanupTask - Running used engine cleanup Checking engine #1 for idle time Found an engine to remove (max idle time exceeded) <- First timeout, and OEngine stays running In OEngineFactory:CleanupTask - Running used engine cleanup In OEngineFactory:CleanupTask - Running used engine cleanup Originally received request: *1COLLECTNONREVCOLLECT2WS-SERVERRUN_OECGI_REQUEST000* In state *0*, asked to execute command *1*, *11* parameters In LOGGED OUT state In SetProperties, mode is *2* thisSetting[1] is now *COLLECT* thisSetting[2] is now *NONREV* thisSetting[3] is now *COLLECT* thisSetting[4] is now *2* thisSetting[5] is now *WS-SERVER* thisSetting[6] is now *RUN_OECGI_REQUEST* thisSetting[7] is now *0* thisSetting[8] is now *0* thisSetting[9] is now ** thisSetting[10] is now *0* Connecting to engine, servername is *WS-SERVER*, application is *COLLECT*, user is *COLLECT*, procedure is *RUN_OECGI_REQUEST* in EngineFactory: Checkout, bAlwaysCreate is *false*, bCheckZombies is *false* looking for available engine, key is *COLLECT00COLLECTNONREV0* have 0 available engines Creating new engine Using default home dir Switching to directory *C:\Work\\* About to create engine, servername *WS-SERVER*, appName: *COLLECT*, createFlags: *2*, shutdownFlags: *2* About to create queue, queuename: *Q_8089_26948560877300*, appName: *COLLECT*, username: *COLLECT*, password: *NONREV* Adding to lInUse EngineStarted is *true* Returning *00WS-SERVERQ_8089_26948560877300COLLECT00COLLECTRUN_OECGI_REQUEST0W14809401* In OEngineFactory: checkIn - Putting used engine back in list Have 1 entries to check checking entry #0 found the entry in the lInUse adding back to lAvailable Writing response: *0000008800WS-SERVERQ_8089_26948560877300COLLECT00COLLECTRUN_OECGI_REQUEST0W14809401* Originally received request: *3þ/inet_traceþþ0þCGI/1.1þoffþtext/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9þ__utma=111872281.698465895.1531451089.1561421185.1574736634.4þþþMozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36þC:\inetpub\wwwroot\inet_traceþ::1þ::1þþþGETþ/cgi-bin/oecgi4.exeþlocalhostþ80þHTTP/1.1þMicrosoft-IIS/10.0þþþþRegistryInfo=SOFTWARE\RevSoft\OECGI4&EngineName=WS-SERVER&ServerURL=localhost&ServerPort=8089&ApplicationName=COLLECT&UserName=COLLECT&StartupFlags=0&ShutdownFlags=0&FilePath=&FilePathMapped=&FileMode=1&SysDownPage=&OILocation=&AdditionalValues=þVERSION:OECGI4þþ* In state *1*, asked to execute command *3*, *2* parameters in EngineFactory: Checkout, bAlwaysCreate is *false*, bCheckZombies is *false* looking for available engine, key is *COLLECT00COLLECTNONREV0* have 1 available engines found an engine to use in the available list In LOGGED IN state doing CALL Returning *0OECGI20Content-type: text/plain CONTENT_LENGTH = 0 CONTENT_TYPE = GATEWAY_INTERFACE = CGI/1.1 HTTPS = off HTTP_ACCEPT = text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9 HTTP_COOKIE = __utma=111872281.698465895.1531451089.1561421185.1574736634.4 HTTP_FROM = HTTP_REFERER = HTTP_USER_AGENT = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36 PATH_INFO = /inet_trace PATH_TRANSLATED = C:\inetpub\wwwroot\inet_trace QUERY_STRING = REMOTE_ADDR = ::1 REMOTE_HOST = ::1 REMOTE_IDENT = REMOTE_USER = REQUEST_METHOD = GET SCRIPT_NAME = /cgi-bin/oecgi4.exe SERVER_NAME = localhost SERVER_PORT = 80 SERVER_PROTOCOL = HTTP/1.1 SERVER_SOFTWARE = Microsoft-IIS/10.0 SERVER_URL = SERVER_SERIAL = W14809401 RegistryKey = SOFTWARE\RevSoft\OECGI4 EngineName = WS-SERVER ServerURL = localhost ServerPort = 8089 ApplicationName = COLLECT UserName = COLLECT StartupFlags = 0 ShutdownFlags = 0 FileMode = 1 FilePath = * In OEngineFactory: checkIn - Putting used engine back in list Have 1 entries to check checking entry #0 found the entry in the lInUse adding back to lAvailable Writing response: *000010500OECGI20Content-type: text/plain CONTENT_LENGTH = 0 CONTENT_TYPE = GATEWAY_INTERFACE = CGI/1.1 HTTPS = off HTTP_ACCEPT = text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9 HTTP_COOKIE = __utma=111872281.698465895.1531451089.1561421185.1574736634.4 HTTP_FROM = HTTP_REFERER = HTTP_USER_AGENT = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36 PATH_INFO = /inet_trace PATH_TRANSLATED = C:\inetpub\wwwroot\inet_trace QUERY_STRING = REMOTE_ADDR = ::1 REMOTE_HOST = ::1 REMOTE_IDENT = REMOTE_USER = REQUEST_METHOD = GET SCRIPT_NAME = /cgi-bin/oecgi4.exe SERVER_NAME = localhost SERVER_PORT = 80 SERVER_PROTOCOL = HTTP/1.1 SERVER_SOFTWARE = Microsoft-IIS/10.0 SERVER_URL = SERVER_SERIAL = W14809401 RegistryKey = SOFTWARE\RevSoft\OECGI4 EngineName = WS-SERVER ServerURL = localhost ServerPort = 8089 ApplicationName = COLLECT UserName = COLLECT StartupFlags = 0 ShutdownFlags = 0 FileMode = 1 FilePath = * Originally received request: *2* In state *1*, asked to execute command *2*, *1* parameters in EngineFactory: Checkout, bAlwaysCreate is *false*, bCheckZombies is *false* looking for available engine, key is *COLLECT00COLLECTNONREV0* have 1 available engines found an engine to use in the available list In LOGGED IN state doing LOGOFF Returning *00* In OEngineFactory: checkIn - Putting used engine back in list Have 1 entries to check checking entry #0 found the entry in the lInUse adding back to lAvailable Writing response: *0000000400* In OEngineFactory:CleanupTask - Running used engine cleanup Checking engine #1 for idle time In OEngineFactory:CleanupTask - Running used engine cleanup Checking engine #1 for idle time In OEngineFactory:CleanupTask - Running used engine cleanup Checking engine #1 for idle time Found an engine to remove (max idle time exceeded) <- Second timeout, but OEngine is shut down In OEngineFactory:CleanupTask - Running used engine cleanup In OEngineFactory:CleanupTask - Running used engine cleanup Originally received request: *1COLLECTNONREVCOLLECT2WS-SERVERRUN_OECGI_REQUEST000* In state *0*, asked to execute command *1*, *11* parameters In LOGGED OUT state In SetProperties, mode is *2* thisSetting[1] is now *COLLECT* thisSetting[2] is now *NONREV* thisSetting[3] is now *COLLECT* thisSetting[4] is now *2* thisSetting[5] is now *WS-SERVER* thisSetting[6] is now *RUN_OECGI_REQUEST* thisSetting[7] is now *0* thisSetting[8] is now *0* thisSetting[9] is now ** thisSetting[10] is now *0* Connecting to engine, servername is *WS-SERVER*, application is *COLLECT*, user is *COLLECT*, procedure is *RUN_OECGI_REQUEST* in EngineFactory: Checkout, bAlwaysCreate is *false*, bCheckZombies is *false* looking for available engine, key is *COLLECT00COLLECTNONREV0* have 0 available engines Creating new engine Using default home dir Switching to directory *C:\Work\\* About to create engine, servername *WS-SERVER*, appName: *COLLECT*, createFlags: *2*, shutdownFlags: *2* Error: Engine creation FAILED, code *-206* <- Failure EngineStarted is *false* Using default home dir Switching to directory *C:\Work\\* About to create engine, servername *WS-SERVER*, appName: *COLLECT*, createFlags: *2*, shutdownFlags: *2* Error: Engine creation FAILED, code *-206* Error: Login failed Returning *11Login failed-206* In OEngineFactory: checkIn - Putting used engine back in list Have 0 entries to check Writing response: *0000002211Login failed-206* Error: Error waiting for response - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
At 28 MAY 2020 07:34PM Barry Stevens wrote:
I'm trying to set up a simple OEngine server to a named OEngine, by specifying the EngineName in the OECGI registry settings. Using OI 9.4 with OECGI4.
OEsocketServer will successfully start that named Oengine and process requests. But if that Oengine is closed after an IdleTimeout, it can not be recreated for the next request. A -206 error is returned to the requester. If connected to a Linear Hash service, an FS1019 error may also be produced.
Also - even if the StartupFlag/ShutdownFlag are set to '0' for a persistent Oengine, OEsocketServer still checks for idle engines to remove. It won't close the Oengine on the first timeout, but does close on the second timeout. Thus causing a -206 failure on a subsequent request. A work around is to set a very high IdleCheck in eserver.cfg, to effectively stop it checking for idle oengines.
Have I missed some configuration steps? Below is a sample output from OEsocketServer (comments with '←' s)
Cheers, M@
Is this OI10, if so I think you should be using 64bit java.
C:\Work\>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_131\bin\java" -jar oesocketserver.jar -d 3 Version: - Licensed for use to CN=Revelation Software Started at 2020-05-27 15:50:27 2020-05-27 15:50:27:424 - EngineServer started on port 8089 Originally received request: *1COLLECTNONREVCOLLECT2WS-SERVERRUN_OECGI_REQUEST000* In state *0*, asked to execute command *1*, *11* parameters In LOGGED OUT state In SetProperties, mode is *2* thisSetting[1] is now *COLLECT* thisSetting[2] is now *NONREV* thisSetting[3] is now *COLLECT* thisSetting[4] is now *2* thisSetting[5] is now *WS-SERVER* thisSetting[6] is now *RUN_OECGI_REQUEST* thisSetting[7] is now *0* thisSetting[8] is now *0* thisSetting[9] is now ** thisSetting[10] is now *0* Connecting to engine, servername is *WS-SERVER*, application is *COLLECT*, user is *COLLECT*, procedure is *RUN_OECGI_REQUEST* in EngineFactory: Checkout, bAlwaysCreate is *false*, bCheckZombies is *false* looking for available engine, key is *COLLECT00COLLECTNONREV0* have 0 available engines Creating new engine Using default home dir Switching to directory *C:\Work\\* About to create engine, servername *WS-SERVER*, appName: *COLLECT*, createFlags: *2*, shutdownFlags: *2* About to create queue, queuename: *Q_8089_26804944023500*, appName: *COLLECT*, username: *COLLECT*, password: *NONREV* Adding to lInUse EngineStarted is *true* Returning *00WS-SERVERQ_8089_26804944023500COLLECT00COLLECTRUN_OECGI_REQUEST0W14809401* In OEngineFactory: checkIn - Putting used engine back in list Have 1 entries to check checking entry #0 found the entry in the lInUse adding back to lAvailable Writing response: *0000008800WS-SERVERQ_8089_26804944023500COLLECT00COLLECTRUN_OECGI_REQUEST0W14809401* Originally received request: *3þ/inet_traceþþ0þCGI/1.1þoffþtext/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9þ__utma=111872281.698465895.1531451089.1561421185.1574736634.4þþþMozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36þC:\inetpub\wwwroot\inet_traceþ::1þ::1þþþGETþ/cgi-bin/oecgi4.exeþlocalhostþ80þHTTP/1.1þMicrosoft-IIS/10.0þþþþRegistryInfo=SOFTWARE\RevSoft\OECGI4&EngineName=WS-SERVER&ServerURL=localhost&ServerPort=8089&ApplicationName=COLLECT&UserName=COLLECT&StartupFlags=0&ShutdownFlags=0&FilePath=&FilePathMapped=&FileMode=1&SysDownPage=&OILocation=&AdditionalValues=þVERSION:OECGI4þþ* In state *1*, asked to execute command *3*, *2* parameters in EngineFactory: Checkout, bAlwaysCreate is *false*, bCheckZombies is *false* looking for available engine, key is *COLLECT00COLLECTNONREV0* have 1 available engines found an engine to use in the available list In LOGGED IN state doing CALL Returning *0OECGI20Content-type: text/plain CONTENT_LENGTH = 0 CONTENT_TYPE = GATEWAY_INTERFACE = CGI/1.1 HTTPS = off HTTP_ACCEPT = text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9 HTTP_COOKIE = __utma=111872281.698465895.1531451089.1561421185.1574736634.4 HTTP_FROM = HTTP_REFERER = HTTP_USER_AGENT = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36 PATH_INFO = /inet_trace PATH_TRANSLATED = C:\inetpub\wwwroot\inet_trace QUERY_STRING = REMOTE_ADDR = ::1 REMOTE_HOST = ::1 REMOTE_IDENT = REMOTE_USER = REQUEST_METHOD = GET SCRIPT_NAME = /cgi-bin/oecgi4.exe SERVER_NAME = localhost SERVER_PORT = 80 SERVER_PROTOCOL = HTTP/1.1 SERVER_SOFTWARE = Microsoft-IIS/10.0 SERVER_URL = SERVER_SERIAL = W14809401 RegistryKey = SOFTWARE\RevSoft\OECGI4 EngineName = WS-SERVER ServerURL = localhost ServerPort = 8089 ApplicationName = COLLECT UserName = COLLECT StartupFlags = 0 ShutdownFlags = 0 FileMode = 1 FilePath = * In OEngineFactory: checkIn - Putting used engine back in list Have 1 entries to check checking entry #0 found the entry in the lInUse adding back to lAvailable Writing response: *000010500OECGI20Content-type: text/plain CONTENT_LENGTH = 0 CONTENT_TYPE = GATEWAY_INTERFACE = CGI/1.1 HTTPS = off HTTP_ACCEPT = text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9 HTTP_COOKIE = __utma=111872281.698465895.1531451089.1561421185.1574736634.4 HTTP_FROM = HTTP_REFERER = HTTP_USER_AGENT = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36 PATH_INFO = /inet_trace PATH_TRANSLATED = C:\inetpub\wwwroot\inet_trace QUERY_STRING = REMOTE_ADDR = ::1 REMOTE_HOST = ::1 REMOTE_IDENT = REMOTE_USER = REQUEST_METHOD = GET SCRIPT_NAME = /cgi-bin/oecgi4.exe SERVER_NAME = localhost SERVER_PORT = 80 SERVER_PROTOCOL = HTTP/1.1 SERVER_SOFTWARE = Microsoft-IIS/10.0 SERVER_URL = SERVER_SERIAL = W14809401 RegistryKey = SOFTWARE\RevSoft\OECGI4 EngineName = WS-SERVER ServerURL = localhost ServerPort = 8089 ApplicationName = COLLECT UserName = COLLECT StartupFlags = 0 ShutdownFlags = 0 FileMode = 1 FilePath = * Originally received request: *2* In state *1*, asked to execute command *2*, *1* parameters in EngineFactory: Checkout, bAlwaysCreate is *false*, bCheckZombies is *false* looking for available engine, key is *COLLECT00COLLECTNONREV0* have 1 available engines found an engine to use in the available list In LOGGED IN state doing LOGOFF Returning *00* In OEngineFactory: checkIn - Putting used engine back in list Have 1 entries to check checking entry #0 found the entry in the lInUse adding back to lAvailable Writing response: *0000000400* In OEngineFactory:CleanupTask - Running used engine cleanup Checking engine #1 for idle time In OEngineFactory:CleanupTask - Running used engine cleanup Checking engine #1 for idle time In OEngineFactory:CleanupTask - Running used engine cleanup Checking engine #1 for idle time Found an engine to remove (max idle time exceeded) <- First timeout, and OEngine stays running In OEngineFactory:CleanupTask - Running used engine cleanup In OEngineFactory:CleanupTask - Running used engine cleanup Originally received request: *1COLLECTNONREVCOLLECT2WS-SERVERRUN_OECGI_REQUEST000* In state *0*, asked to execute command *1*, *11* parameters In LOGGED OUT state In SetProperties, mode is *2* thisSetting[1] is now *COLLECT* thisSetting[2] is now *NONREV* thisSetting[3] is now *COLLECT* thisSetting[4] is now *2* thisSetting[5] is now *WS-SERVER* thisSetting[6] is now *RUN_OECGI_REQUEST* thisSetting[7] is now *0* thisSetting[8] is now *0* thisSetting[9] is now ** thisSetting[10] is now *0* Connecting to engine, servername is *WS-SERVER*, application is *COLLECT*, user is *COLLECT*, procedure is *RUN_OECGI_REQUEST* in EngineFactory: Checkout, bAlwaysCreate is *false*, bCheckZombies is *false* looking for available engine, key is *COLLECT00COLLECTNONREV0* have 0 available engines Creating new engine Using default home dir Switching to directory *C:\Work\\* About to create engine, servername *WS-SERVER*, appName: *COLLECT*, createFlags: *2*, shutdownFlags: *2* About to create queue, queuename: *Q_8089_26948560877300*, appName: *COLLECT*, username: *COLLECT*, password: *NONREV* Adding to lInUse EngineStarted is *true* Returning *00WS-SERVERQ_8089_26948560877300COLLECT00COLLECTRUN_OECGI_REQUEST0W14809401* In OEngineFactory: checkIn - Putting used engine back in list Have 1 entries to check checking entry #0 found the entry in the lInUse adding back to lAvailable Writing response: *0000008800WS-SERVERQ_8089_26948560877300COLLECT00COLLECTRUN_OECGI_REQUEST0W14809401* Originally received request: *3þ/inet_traceþþ0þCGI/1.1þoffþtext/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9þ__utma=111872281.698465895.1531451089.1561421185.1574736634.4þþþMozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36þC:\inetpub\wwwroot\inet_traceþ::1þ::1þþþGETþ/cgi-bin/oecgi4.exeþlocalhostþ80þHTTP/1.1þMicrosoft-IIS/10.0þþþþRegistryInfo=SOFTWARE\RevSoft\OECGI4&EngineName=WS-SERVER&ServerURL=localhost&ServerPort=8089&ApplicationName=COLLECT&UserName=COLLECT&StartupFlags=0&ShutdownFlags=0&FilePath=&FilePathMapped=&FileMode=1&SysDownPage=&OILocation=&AdditionalValues=þVERSION:OECGI4þþ* In state *1*, asked to execute command *3*, *2* parameters in EngineFactory: Checkout, bAlwaysCreate is *false*, bCheckZombies is *false* looking for available engine, key is *COLLECT00COLLECTNONREV0* have 1 available engines found an engine to use in the available list In LOGGED IN state doing CALL Returning *0OECGI20Content-type: text/plain CONTENT_LENGTH = 0 CONTENT_TYPE = GATEWAY_INTERFACE = CGI/1.1 HTTPS = off HTTP_ACCEPT = text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9 HTTP_COOKIE = __utma=111872281.698465895.1531451089.1561421185.1574736634.4 HTTP_FROM = HTTP_REFERER = HTTP_USER_AGENT = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36 PATH_INFO = /inet_trace PATH_TRANSLATED = C:\inetpub\wwwroot\inet_trace QUERY_STRING = REMOTE_ADDR = ::1 REMOTE_HOST = ::1 REMOTE_IDENT = REMOTE_USER = REQUEST_METHOD = GET SCRIPT_NAME = /cgi-bin/oecgi4.exe SERVER_NAME = localhost SERVER_PORT = 80 SERVER_PROTOCOL = HTTP/1.1 SERVER_SOFTWARE = Microsoft-IIS/10.0 SERVER_URL = SERVER_SERIAL = W14809401 RegistryKey = SOFTWARE\RevSoft\OECGI4 EngineName = WS-SERVER ServerURL = localhost ServerPort = 8089 ApplicationName = COLLECT UserName = COLLECT StartupFlags = 0 ShutdownFlags = 0 FileMode = 1 FilePath = * In OEngineFactory: checkIn - Putting used engine back in list Have 1 entries to check checking entry #0 found the entry in the lInUse adding back to lAvailable Writing response: *000010500OECGI20Content-type: text/plain CONTENT_LENGTH = 0 CONTENT_TYPE = GATEWAY_INTERFACE = CGI/1.1 HTTPS = off HTTP_ACCEPT = text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9 HTTP_COOKIE = __utma=111872281.698465895.1531451089.1561421185.1574736634.4 HTTP_FROM = HTTP_REFERER = HTTP_USER_AGENT = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36 PATH_INFO = /inet_trace PATH_TRANSLATED = C:\inetpub\wwwroot\inet_trace QUERY_STRING = REMOTE_ADDR = ::1 REMOTE_HOST = ::1 REMOTE_IDENT = REMOTE_USER = REQUEST_METHOD = GET SCRIPT_NAME = /cgi-bin/oecgi4.exe SERVER_NAME = localhost SERVER_PORT = 80 SERVER_PROTOCOL = HTTP/1.1 SERVER_SOFTWARE = Microsoft-IIS/10.0 SERVER_URL = SERVER_SERIAL = W14809401 RegistryKey = SOFTWARE\RevSoft\OECGI4 EngineName = WS-SERVER ServerURL = localhost ServerPort = 8089 ApplicationName = COLLECT UserName = COLLECT StartupFlags = 0 ShutdownFlags = 0 FileMode = 1 FilePath = * Originally received request: *2* In state *1*, asked to execute command *2*, *1* parameters in EngineFactory: Checkout, bAlwaysCreate is *false*, bCheckZombies is *false* looking for available engine, key is *COLLECT00COLLECTNONREV0* have 1 available engines found an engine to use in the available list In LOGGED IN state doing LOGOFF Returning *00* In OEngineFactory: checkIn - Putting used engine back in list Have 1 entries to check checking entry #0 found the entry in the lInUse adding back to lAvailable Writing response: *0000000400* In OEngineFactory:CleanupTask - Running used engine cleanup Checking engine #1 for idle time In OEngineFactory:CleanupTask - Running used engine cleanup Checking engine #1 for idle time In OEngineFactory:CleanupTask - Running used engine cleanup Checking engine #1 for idle time Found an engine to remove (max idle time exceeded) <- Second timeout, but OEngine is shut down In OEngineFactory:CleanupTask - Running used engine cleanup In OEngineFactory:CleanupTask - Running used engine cleanup Originally received request: *1COLLECTNONREVCOLLECT2WS-SERVERRUN_OECGI_REQUEST000* In state *0*, asked to execute command *1*, *11* parameters In LOGGED OUT state In SetProperties, mode is *2* thisSetting[1] is now *COLLECT* thisSetting[2] is now *NONREV* thisSetting[3] is now *COLLECT* thisSetting[4] is now *2* thisSetting[5] is now *WS-SERVER* thisSetting[6] is now *RUN_OECGI_REQUEST* thisSetting[7] is now *0* thisSetting[8] is now *0* thisSetting[9] is now ** thisSetting[10] is now *0* Connecting to engine, servername is *WS-SERVER*, application is *COLLECT*, user is *COLLECT*, procedure is *RUN_OECGI_REQUEST* in EngineFactory: Checkout, bAlwaysCreate is *false*, bCheckZombies is *false* looking for available engine, key is *COLLECT00COLLECTNONREV0* have 0 available engines Creating new engine Using default home dir Switching to directory *C:\Work\\* About to create engine, servername *WS-SERVER*, appName: *COLLECT*, createFlags: *2*, shutdownFlags: *2* Error: Engine creation FAILED, code *-206* <- Failure EngineStarted is *false* Using default home dir Switching to directory *C:\Work\\* About to create engine, servername *WS-SERVER*, appName: *COLLECT*, createFlags: *2*, shutdownFlags: *2* Error: Engine creation FAILED, code *-206* Error: Login failed Returning *11Login failed-206* In OEngineFactory: checkIn - Putting used engine back in list Have 0 entries to check Writing response: *0000002211Login failed-206* Error: Error waiting for response - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
At 28 MAY 2020 07:51PM Matthew Crozier wrote:
Is this OI10, if so I think you should be using 64bit java.
This is using OI9.4
Cheers, M@