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At 12 MAY 1998 03:36:50AM Robert Dunmire wrote:

When I exit from an application that has been deployed I get the message "Shutting down OpenEngine while tools are running can cause unpredictable behavior". This only happens if I print a report while running the app. Otherwise exit is normal (no warning). Ya I know So Don't Print. But I would like them to see some of these dazzling reports I worked so hard to build.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.




At 12 MAY 1998 10:52AM John Duquette wrote:


Where and how are you issuing the close command to OI? If the reporter is still "running" you would get that message.

John Revelation

At 13 MAY 1998 01:41AM Robert Dunmire wrote:

Hi John

I'm just closing the main window of the application. This works fine in the development mode and if I don't run a report it also works in the deployment.

The report viewer displays in the backgroud when I run a report in the deployed app if that tells you any thing. It makes no difference how long I wait after running the report to close the app nor what I do after running the report (ie data entry) I still get the same message.

I'm probably doing something stupid here but I can't figure out what it is. I do so many stupid things it is hard to home in on one of them.




At 13 MAY 1998 09:03AM Carl Pates wrote:

Hi John,

We've ran into this same problem with an app we wrote. It appears that the runtime reporter.exe doesn't unhook itself from the engine when it closes, leaving an open queue handle thus causing the message when closing OE.

I've talked to Cam about this problem, so hopefully a fix will be the the reporter fixes in 3.6.1 ( but I've yet to have then chance to test it )


Sprezzatura Ltd

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

At 13 MAY 1998 03:14PM John Duquette wrote:


You could get the handle for the report viewer and kill it via the CloseWindow API call.

I'm not sure if this has been fixed in 3.6.1 (never heard of the problem), but I can test it and at the least get it in the SPR.

John Revelation

At 14 MAY 1998 08:25AM Carl Pates wrote:


The actual report window/viewer does close, so this is OK. The problem occurs when OE tries to close and detects that an app still has a connection open to it. The app isn't there, but as far as OE is concerned it is, hence the message.

AFAIK this happens when the app doesn't call RevCloseQ/RevTerminateAPI before it closes, leaving the connection still open.

I'm going to upgrade the system we have here to 3.61 and see if still get the problem….

I'll keep you informed.



At 14 MAY 1998 09:42AM Carl Pates wrote:


I've tested the system we have here with a 3.61 runtime and the problem still exists.

Could you add it into theSPR system please?

Many thanks


At 14 MAY 1998 04:18PM John Duquette wrote:


You bet.

John Revelation

At 14 MAY 1998 04:19PM John Duquette wrote:

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