Create New Application crashes (OpenInsight 32-Bit)
At 11 AUG 2005 08:34:11PM Wayne Shepard wrote:
This may be limited to my flaky computer, but…
Whenever I create a new application and I provide a password for the creator's id, after successfully creating the new application, the system (OI) crashes. If I don't put in a password it's okay, no problems. Does anybody else experience this?
At 11 AUG 2005 09:10PM Gray Cunningham wrote:
Hi Wayne,
I posted about this same problem last September (I don't know how to put a link in a message) using OI 4.0.3 and now I also get it using OI 7.1.1…I hadn't noticed that it worked when you didn't put in a password. It seems to create the new application correctly, and in fact the only response I received to my original posting was by Sean Fitzsimmons (from Revelation) asking me if the application was created properly.
Since it only seems to be the 2 of us that experience this issue, I wonder if it is related to our system or configuration or something like that?
Anybody else have this problem?
Gray Cunningham
At 12 AUG 2005 01:50AM's Don Bakke wrote:
Is this for a development or runtime application? We rarely, if ever, password protect the application's author for development systems since these are all "in-house". We have never had this problem come up.
At 12 AUG 2005 12:57PM Gray Cunningham wrote:
Mine is for development. I really have no reason to password protect, but the field is there, so I put something in it!