Capture the event being processed (OpenInsight 32-Bit)
At 23 SEP 2004 08:28:44PM Leon Shaffer wrote:
What I want to do is to capture the current event being processed within a "promoted event".
Create a promoted event for an application that will capture the event being processed - not as a parameter being passed from the control on a form, but rather to capture the current event being processed…we already know the CrtlEntId and CtrlEntClass is being passed throughout the system and can capture and process that, but what about the actual event on the control on the form?
Does anyone know how to capture the current event being processed on a control on a form within a stored procedure?…I want to create a promoted event in an application, such as
that will capture the event being processed on the CtrlEntId, and process it accordingly within from this "promoted/global event".
Any help is greatly appreciated.
At 24 SEP 2004 11:50AM Leon Shaffer wrote:
Never mind on this post…the previous post using the
works just fine….I can capture the event being processed, the form name, the control name, and do whatever I want to with it from there.
At 25 SEP 2004 02:53AM wrote:
Just be aware of a number of gotchas associated with this approach including but not limited to events occuring at a lower level than sysprog so already having taken place BEFORE they hit your handler, WRITE is a classic example of this. The logical flow of event chains has not always been respected by system programmers leaving the current team with some peculiarities that can't be ironed out lest they break existing apps.
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