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At 08 FEB 2020 10:21:25PM Dave Sigafoos wrote:

when you delete a record in a form the system auto sends IS IT OK message … how can I turn that off. There are a couple where I want to put up my own message … then delete

At 09 FEB 2020 01:24AM Donald Bakke wrote:

when you delete a record in a form the system auto sends IS IT OK message … how can I turn that off. There are a couple where I want to put up my own message … then delete

Just to confirm, you simply want the behavior to stay the same but you want your own message instead of the default one?

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 09 FEB 2020 07:10AM Dave Sigafoos wrote:

right … it is so i can trap the delete process.

At 09 FEB 2020 07:21AM Carl Pates wrote:

Hi Dave,

You should be able to override the message in the SYSMSG event. You need an event script (or a QuickEvent that Has Priority set) that:


Intercepts the SYSMSG_DELETEWARN$ msgCode,

Puts up your message and then,

Returns FALSE$



   $insert ps_Equates

   begin case

      case ( msgCode == SYSMSG_DELETEWARN$ )

         call msg( @window, "MYDELETEMESSAGE" )

         return FALSE$

   end case

return TRUE$

(If you wanted to stop the delete operation then you would set the CancelFlag argument to TRUE$ before returning)

Carl Pates

At 09 FEB 2020 08:41AM Dave Sigafoos wrote:

Thanks Carl .. i'll give it a try.

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