254 character limit on SQL data (OpenInsight 32-Bit)
At 27 JUN 2003 02:04:25PM Wayne Shepard wrote:
I am attempting to read data from an Oracle SQL table. This table features a field defined as varchar(500). The client/server tool maps this as varchar(254). I don't understand why – in a 32-bit environment – there is a 254 character limit on a field. I hope that fixing is on the "to-do" list. When the select hits a record with data longer than 254 characters, OpenInsight responds unsatisfactorily. Handling 500 character fields would be the best option. Truncating it to the acceptable 254 characters would be the next best option. Crashing while attempting to write to 00000000:00000000 is the worst possible option.
Meanwhile, it there a work-around?
Wayne Shepard
At 18 JUL 2003 01:24PM Wayne Shepard wrote:
For the sake of anyone who might run across the same problem, there is a work-around. You can use
select substr(fieldname,1,250), substr(fieldname,251,250) from…
and concatenate the fields back together later. The Dataset object functions okay with this. The limitation appears to be in the ODBC driver, which is written to generic SQL specs.