O4WDialog mobile browsers (OpenInsight 64-bit)
At 20 OCT 2022 12:40:28PM BrianWick wrote:
Hi -
I have consistancy in calling O4WDialog in Chrome, Firefox and Edge browsers.
When I call O4WDialog in mobile browsers - such as samsung in my testing, the font style works for O4WTextbox - but size does NOT work with O4WTextArea.
Just like width:300,height:200 (for example) is used to set the size of the Dialog box (instead of the style)
is there a jquery call that can set font and font size in O4WTextArea controls
At 21 OCT 2022 10:43AM bshumsky wrote:
Hi -
I have consistancy in calling O4WDialog in Chrome, Firefox and Edge browsers.
When I call O4WDialog in mobile browsers - such as samsung in my testing, the font style works for O4WTextbox - but size does NOT work with O4WTextArea.
Just like width:300,height:200 (for example) is used to set the size of the Dialog box (instead of the style)
is there a jquery call that can set font and font size in O4WTextArea controls
Hi, Brian. When you run in Mobile mode, the mobile browser has more control over the elements on screen. Especially if you are setting O4W into "mobile" mode, you will have very different layout and design options - in short, the mobile browser controls the display and tries to "optimize" the User Interface experience. You will find, therefore, that many things you can control on the desktop are beyond your control on the mobile device.
- Bryan Shumsky
At 21 OCT 2022 12:42PM BrianWick wrote:
tx bryan -
when I set O4WSetMobile(1) and associated mobile Controls my pages stop working on desktop and mobile - so I wont be doing that.
So the only problem I have on mobile is dialog boxes not centering and the textarea not allowing a smaller size.
everything else is identical on desktop and mobile.
At 28 OCT 2022 12:46PM BrianWick wrote:
i have a very basic snipit with two sections - each with just one element - a button - no styles used
when the button in section1 is clicked the section2 dialog box is opened.
when the button in the section2 dialog box is clicked the dialog box is closed.
it all works perfect in laptop browsers
on mobile after the first click the dialog opens - but in double the size and when i close the dialog the section1 is double the size
question is are O4W mobile commands applicable in something as basic as this -i.e. jquery commands - or are they commands built within O4W that help manipulate %MENU% and other O4W stuff I do not use.
viewport did not have any effect.