Accessing Dictionary within form designer (Form Designer(10+))
At 13 JAN 2022 06:27:41PM cmeyer wrote:
I have a form that does not display a mutltivalued correctly in OI10.1 but works fine in OI9.4.6. While entering new data the symbolic should be calculated on the fly. When the record is saved and recalled the symbolic is displayed.
How do I access the symbolic dictionary details within form designer.
Any advice would be grateful.
At 13 JAN 2022 06:42PM cmeyer wrote:
Just found the column details for another symbolic in the edittable. Just that the symbolic that does not display has NO column details. That is why I could not find any details.
Something must have gone wrong with the migration (I assume).
What is the best way to diagnose the problem within OI10.1.
At 13 JAN 2022 07:08PM cmeyer wrote:
OK, found the problem. The symbolic dictionary was NOT flagged as multivalued. Changed the dictioanry in table builder then recompiled the form and the column details now appear in the form designer. All good.
At 14 JAN 2022 04:33AM cmeyer wrote:
Spoke too soon. Where is the flag to calculate symbolics when data is changed in an edittable. I have a multivalued symbolic that does NOT being calculated when data has been entered or changed. Only time the symbolic is populated is on the read record. I recall in OI9 there was a flag in form designer that would prevent calculating symbolics (to speed things up for large edittables). Where can I find the equivalent in OI10 form designer.
At 16 JAN 2022 03:18PM Matthew Crozier wrote:
Where is the flag to calculate symbolics when data is changed in an edittable.
Sounds similar to the CS_RECALC attribute?