Edittable - Drag and Drop (OpenInsight 64-bit)
At 13 JUL 2021 12:56:16PM Hank Huizinga wrote:
Is drag and drop supported in OI10 for Edit Tables rows?
I am trying to use drag and down to rearrange rows in an edittable.
Tried to enable using the code below with no success.
Also noticed that origprop in the example below returns null
origprop = Set_Property(ControlET,'ENABLEDRAG',1)
origprop = Set_Property(ControlET,'ENABLEDROP',1)
origprop = Set_Property(ControlET,'ENABLEDRAGROWS',1)
origprop = Set_Property(ControlET,'ENABLEDROPSCROLL',1)
At 13 JUL 2021 01:04PM Carl Pates wrote:
Hi Hank,
Unfortunately this isn't currently supported right now. It will be re-implemented in a future release.