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At 09 FEB 2023 02:24:08PM Donald Bakke wrote:

I just installed the OpenInsight 9.4.6 Standalone Patch onto a client system to fix a previously reported Relational index bug. Nothing changed. I decided to inspect the RDK that is included in that patch and discovered it is missing the $RELATER object. It only has $RTI_CDOMAIL, $RTI_EMAIL_CLIENT, and $RTI_SENDMAIL.

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 13 FEB 2023 09:30AM bshumsky wrote:

I just installed the OpenInsight 9.4.6 Standalone Patch onto a client system to fix a previously reported Relational index bug. Nothing changed. I decided to inspect the RDK that is included in that patch and discovered it is missing the $RELATER object. It only has $RTI_CDOMAIL, $RTI_EMAIL_CLIENT, and $RTI_SENDMAIL.

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

Hi, Don. Thanks for finding that! Somehow the embedded RDK in the exe didn't include the RELATER code as you saw. I have remade the patch and updated the download page. Please give it another try?


- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 14 FEB 2023 01:07PM Donald Bakke wrote:

I just installed the OpenInsight 9.4.6 Standalone Patch onto a client system to fix a previously reported Relational index bug. Nothing changed. I decided to inspect the RDK that is included in that patch and discovered it is missing the $RELATER object. It only has $RTI_CDOMAIL, $RTI_EMAIL_CLIENT, and $RTI_SENDMAIL.

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

Hi, Don. Thanks for finding that! Somehow the embedded RDK in the exe didn't include the RELATER code as you saw. I have remade the patch and updated the download page. Please give it another try?


- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

Hi Bryan - I will test this out today or tomorrow and will report back. Thanks!

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 16 FEB 2023 12:01PM Donald Bakke wrote:

I just installed the OpenInsight 9.4.6 Standalone Patch onto a client system to fix a previously reported Relational index bug. Nothing changed. I decided to inspect the RDK that is included in that patch and discovered it is missing the $RELATER object. It only has $RTI_CDOMAIL, $RTI_EMAIL_CLIENT, and $RTI_SENDMAIL.

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

Hi, Don. Thanks for finding that! Somehow the embedded RDK in the exe didn't include the RELATER code as you saw. I have remade the patch and updated the download page. Please give it another try?


- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

Hi Bryan - I will test this out today or tomorrow and will report back. Thanks!

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

Hi Bryan - I was able to test this. I can confirm that $RELATER is now in the RDK. However, there is something amiss. While this isn't explicitly noted in the in the description of the fix, this $RELATER was also supposed fix a problem with right-justified sorting of multi-part keys. Last May we reported that this was working as of 9.4.2 and then it was broken sometime afterwards. Bob identified the problem and fixed it. However, it seems to be broken again. I also confirmed that it is broken in 10.2.

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 16 FEB 2023 03:04PM bob carten wrote:

Hi Don,

I fixed an issue in relater for sorting, and one for TOP and BOT. I don't remember anything about multi-part keys. If I claimed to have accommodated multi-part keys I misspoke.

Relater treats the id as a single string when it sorts it. It sorts by the direction specified in the definition of the relational.

AFAIK it has always behaved that way. Given that it uses the AR / AL from the index definition, not the dictionary, I think it would be just as likely to be wrong with a multi part key unless all the parts are left or all the parts are right.

Can you get by with a calculated column or oconv that sorts the relational?

At 16 FEB 2023 04:45PM Donald Bakke wrote:

Hi Don,

I fixed an issue in relater for sorting, and one for TOP and BOT. I don't remember anything about multi-part keys. If I claimed to have accommodated multi-part keys I misspoke.

Relater treats the id as a single string when it sorts it. It sorts by the direction specified in the definition of the relational.

AFAIK it has always behaved that way. Given that it uses the AR / AL from the index definition, not the dictionary, I think it would be just as likely to be wrong with a multi part key unless all the parts are left or all the parts are right.

Can you get by with a calculated column or oconv that sorts the relational?

Hi Bob - I appreciate the response.

Perhaps there was some misunderstanding, but I think we had a clear discussion about this. If it helps, I can forward you the original email thread where this was addressed. Here is a summary of that thread:

  • 03/21/2022 - I reported a problem with multipart key ID "AR" sorting. I reported that this works in 9.4.2. (Side note: it also works in ARev 3.12)
  • 03/21/2022 - You confirmed having touched this code in 2020 to fix the 64K limit problem.
  • 03/22/2022 - You identified where you "broke the sorting on right justified relationals in the RELATER program when I removed the 64 k limit". You also recognized this break being introduced in OI 10. You provided me a new build to test with.
  • 05/19/2022 - I finally reported back to you that this fixed the "AR" sorting.
  • 05/20/2022 - After a little more testing, I identified a new bug related to TOP and BOT appending.
  • 05/20/2022 - You confirmed the bug and sent me a new build.
  • 05/23/2022 - I tested the new build and reported that it was working.

I'd prefer to have the fix restored as this will avoid having to reconfigure many relational indexes in the application.

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

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