Edittable Hover (OpenInsight 64-bit)
At 30 DEC 2020 11:51:00AM Jason Leach wrote:
Is there a setting to either turn off or increase the delay of the auto popup/balloon feature in OI10 edittables? This is when you hover over a table cell and a popup/balloon is displayed showing the full contents of the cell.
At 30 DEC 2020 12:33PM Carl Pates wrote:
Hi Jason,
Sorry, this setting is not currently exposed - I'll look at getting it into the next release.
At 30 DEC 2020 03:54PM Jason Leach wrote:
At 03 MAR 2023 09:15AM Jason Leach wrote:
Did the option to disable this feature make it to 10.2?
At 03 MAR 2023 05:54PM Barry Stevens wrote:
Did the option to disable this feature make it to 10.2?
try suppresscelltooltips property - under behaviour
At 06 MAR 2023 09:55AM Jason Leach wrote:
That worked. Thank you!