At 23 APR 2020 11:14:35PM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:
oi 1008 beta
The validation for edittables
When using a string match as follows:
and then trying to enter any of the characters
I get an error message to say its not valid
Am I doing something wrong?
(from memory was posted before as an issue)
At 24 APR 2020 12:59AM Richard Bright wrote:
Hi Gerry
In OI10.0.8 preview -
I tried validation out with edittables. In the Table Dict - for a new MV field called "TEST" in property Validation - dialogbox I entered -
When I exited the dialog box this was rendered as -
I then dropped an editable onto a form (actually the EXAMPLES app - MP_CUSTOMER_ENTRY)
Ran the form - the validation works on table rows with error popup if invalid value eg P entered.
At 24 APR 2020 01:14AM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:
Try it in column 2, column 1 seems to work
also if you go back in it adds a blank line above the "Y"
and if you have the validation on column 1 and add a new column the validations gets added automatically.
At 24 APR 2020 05:50AM Richard Bright wrote:
Hi Gerry
I created a 2nd multi-value dict field - Test2. This did not have any validation stuff.
I then removed the original single column editable on the form and created a new data-bound editable - nominating Test2 column. I then edited the editable to add the column Test1 (that had the validation stuff defined in the dictionary - so we are using default in the editable validation).
Ran the form and validation works fine in the 2nd column. I did not observe any mal-behaviour.
Could it be that you are setting the validation - not in the dictionary - but in the editable on the form and it is here we are getting a problem? (haven't yet tried that)
Trying to zero in on where the issue occurs and how to reproduce.
Cheers Richard
At 24 APR 2020 07:26AM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:
No data bound items
Just a simple validation as noted
I don’t normally use dictionaries for validations
At 24 APR 2020 05:20PM Richard Bright wrote:
Hi Gerry
Got it. In my test example I re-created the editable with two bound data values - this time with the dictionary - driven validation on the first column ie "TEST". The 2nd column "TEST2" was a simple multi-value field with no validation in the dictionary.
I then endeavored to add a validation to the 2nd column. All looked good - it displayed in the dialog box initially correctly eg
"Y"|"N"|"S" (just a different value in there to differentiate from first column)
I could move off the validation field - all looked good. I saved this and updated the form BUT when I revisited the field dailogbox the validation was now displayed as
"Y" "N" That is, an extra line (blank) had been inserted in front of the validation values.
Now when I run the form and test this column, I get an error message which starts with a quote THEN below the correct values
Also as a side comment - originally, when I constructed the editable and added the 2nd column - and (I think sought to work on the 2nd column - it seemed that the dialogbox had not refreshed the values back to default for the 2nd column - still retained the 1st column values till I had exited and gone back into the editable (I think). Needless to say might have expected a refresh WHEN I added the 2nd field and selected that field. I will put a note as to my observation in the bug report.