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At 02 DEC 2018 08:09:00PM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:

What is the Maximum of text that can be populated in an edit table cell?



At 04 DEC 2018 07:25PM Carl Pates wrote:


When you design your EditTable you should decide on a reasonable size for the cells in each column - the control preallocates a single block of memory that is enough to contain the text for each cell in each row based on the size declared for each column. This helps performance at the cost of having possibly "wasted" memory.

In v9, if you exceeded the declared size for a cell the text stored would be silently truncated. In v10 if you exceed the cell size the entire cell text is stored outside of the main block as a separate string so nothing is actually lost. Therefore the theoretical maximum size for cell text then becomes dependent on your RAM and virtual memory - how big can a single string be? However, having said that, Basic+ itself is limited to a maximum variable size of 2GB, so if your cell had more than 2GB of data you wouldn't be able to manipulate it anyway.

So the theoretical limit for cell text is 2GB, but as to whether or not you could feasibly use that would depend on your OS and hardware.

Carl Pates

At 05 DEC 2018 10:54AM D Harmacek wrote:

Carl, is 2GB also the theoretical limit of a variable in version 9? This is important to know for me when reading a OS file into memory.

What is the expected size limit of a variable in version 9?

Dave Harmacek, Harmacek Database Systems, near Boston, Mass.

At 05 DEC 2018 11:10AM Carl Pates wrote:

Hi Dave,

It's less in v9 because the maximum entire space you can reliably allocate in a 32-bit process is 2GB (You can try and push it to 3GB but that needs programming and compiling properly to get that). Therefore the theoretical maximum Basic+ variable size is set to 268,435,455 (0xfffffff) bytes. Not sure how many of these you can play with at one time though - depends on what other memory loads are in play.


Carl Pates

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