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At 05 MAY 2004 10:34:36AM Michael Norton wrote:

How can I change modify the C/S Workspace programmatically, have user who is constantly rebuilding and renaming the ODBC datawarehouse they expects us to interface to. I ned to build a front-end window so they can modify the link themselves or at least a simple upgrade programme I can ship everytime they change their minds!!!!!

I saw a thread from '99 but the details where emailed not posted on the thread. What files are involved, any traps or common errors to avoid etc.? Can C/S Workspace somehow be run externally like DWB?

At 05 MAY 2004 10:38AM The Sprezzatura Group wrote:

Look at CS_MAIN and accompanying source codeā€¦

The Sprezzatura Group

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

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