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At 24 MAR 2021 07:55:32PM BrianWick wrote:

hi folks -


does not seem to work. My server still shows a CPU working and attempting to close the OI Engine window sys it is still running.

Is there something else needed ?

OI 9.4.6



At 25 MAR 2021 07:03AM bshumsky wrote:

hi folks -


does not seem to work. My server still shows a CPU working and attempting to close the OI Engine window sys it is still running.

Is there something else needed ?

OI 9.4.6



Hi, Brian. This just sets a flag that tells the "background poller" process to shut down the next time it is checking for something to do. It won't shut down a process that's currently running, nor will it shutdown any other OI instance (I'm not certain exactly what you were expecting it WOULD do?).

Hope that helps clarify things,

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 25 MAR 2021 12:17PM BrianWick wrote:

Hi Bryan -

So it really does not do what the literal implies.

I launch an engine - then I realize is in an infinite loop.

I need to just open that engine window - press the X in the upper right and and do the brute force shutdown ?



At 25 MAR 2021 12:32PM bshumsky wrote:

Hi Bryan -

So it really does not do what the literal implies.

I launch an engine - then I realize is in an infinite loop.

I need to just open that engine window - press the X in the upper right and and do the brute force shutdown ?



Well, it tells the TASK MANAGER to shut down, so it does do what the name states, but I can understand the confusion.

How did you launch the oengine?

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 25 MAR 2021 01:12PM BrianWick wrote:

Hi Bryan -

BackgroundTaskName1 = RTI_Task_Submit("","GAME1TASK", PARAM1, PARAM2, PARAM3)



At 25 MAR 2021 01:16PM bshumsky wrote:

Hi Bryan -

BackgroundTaskName1 = RTI_Task_Submit("","GAME1TASK", PARAM1, PARAM2, PARAM3)



Hi, Brian. Thanks for that. Yes, that will spin up the task server in "immediate mode", if I recall correctly, so there isn't necessarily even a "task manager" TO shut down.

What you could do is, depending on how your GAME1TASK is designed, have it periodically look for its own "shutdown flag" - maybe some record in SYSLISTS; if it exists, and it's set to "1" (or whatever you want), your program deletes the flag (so it can be restarted next time) and then terminates. That's how I normally handle the "phantom processes" that I might want to terminate…

Hope that helps,

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 25 MAR 2021 01:22PM BrianWick wrote:

Hi Bryan -

thanks for the clarification.

Yes - I do have an "early exit" flag that is checked - for a graceful termination.

But sometimes I want to kill the engine right away rather than waiting 5 minutes or whatever for the flag to be realized.

These background engines are Very Very cool stuff Bryan

thanks for all the help


At 25 MAR 2021 01:23PM BrianWick wrote:

Hi Bryan -

thanks for the clarification.

Yes - I do have an "early exit" flag that is checked - for a graceful termination.

But sometimes I want to kill the engine right away rather than waiting 5 minutes or whatever for the flag to be realized.

These background engines are Very Very cool stuff Bryan

thanks for all the help


At 25 MAR 2021 01:23PM BrianWick wrote:

Hi Bryan -

thanks for the clarification.

Yes - I do have an "early exit" flag that is checked - for a graceful termination.

But sometimes I want to kill the engine right away rather than waiting 5 minutes or whatever for the flag to be realized.

These background engines are Very Very cool stuff Bryan

thanks for all the help


At 25 MAR 2021 01:23PM BrianWick wrote:

Hi Bryan -

thanks for the clarification.

Yes - I do have an "early exit" flag that is checked - for a graceful termination.

But sometimes I want to kill the engine right away rather than waiting 5 minutes or whatever for the flag to be realized.

These background engines are Very Very cool stuff Bryan

thanks for all the help


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