BASIC+ & Debug Watchlist (OpenInsight 32-Bit)
At 11 FEB 2008 11:50:53PM Martin Drenovac wrote:
Is there an ability to place vars onto a watchlist whilst inside the debugger?
Thank you
At 12 FEB 2008 09:13AM Warren Auyong wrote:
You can open an inspection window and keep it open for any variable. You just have to place the windows so they remain visible.
At 12 FEB 2008 09:59AM Mike Ruane wrote:
Also, doing a shift-dblclk on a variable will move it to the top of the Variable window…
At 12 FEB 2008 03:49PM Martin Drenovac wrote:
Cheers guys - I am more aluding to placing the var in a list, which when the variable changes would then take me to the debugger - ala, I want to debug differently to how it's done now.
At 13 FEB 2008 04:00AM Aaron Kaplan wrote:
Oh, you want the old ARev
B myVar=somevalue
type of thing.
Can't do it.
At 13 FEB 2008 01:08PM Warren Auyong wrote:
I think I added that to the wish list. If not, someone should :)