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At 08 JUL 2021 06:56:07AM cmeyer wrote:

Excuse my ignorance but after every OI10 migration I have to set the top of the MdiClient from 139 to 142 to avoid displaying a rogue SRP ribbon.

How can I programmatically set the top of the MdiClent control?


At 08 JUL 2021 07:02AM Carl Pates wrote:

 call Set_Property( @window : ".MDICLIENT", "TOP", 142 )

Carl Pates

At 08 JUL 2021 10:36AM Donald Bakke wrote:

I have to set the top of the MdiClient from 139 to 142 to avoid displaying a rogue SRP ribbon.

What exactly are you seeing and where?

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 08 JUL 2021 07:26PM cmeyer wrote:

My MdiClient was not butting up to the bottom of the ribbon control. Just looked like as if the ribbon had been duplicated as it was the same height. But I think it was just the MdiClient NOT being the correct size. TRied to set the top back to 139 , recompliled the form but still looks good. Then performed another migration and now the MdiClient has some space at the bottom, Don't understand. I have implemented the changes suggested by Carl and I will keep looking at the seeing the difference between migrations.


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