Read files in binary mode (OpenInsight 64-bit)
At 07 APR 2020 10:24:46AM Mihyar Al Masalma wrote:
Hello All,
I am building an interface from our backend to DropBox, now when we're uploading txt files, we have no problem with that.
when we try to upload anything else, things turn to gibberish. Looking at the DropBox documentation, they require the files to be read in binary mode. Has anyone done something like this? or if there is an easy way to open files (excel for instance) in binary mode?
many thanks
At 07 APR 2020 10:28AM bob carten wrote:
Hi Mahyir,
if the file has a registered extension, for example '.xlsx', you can call Utility("RUNWIN", 'mypath\myfile.xlsx') to open it. This is the same as doubleclicking on the file in Windows explorer.
At 07 APR 2020 10:32AM Mihyar Al Masalma wrote:
Sorry if I wasn't clear, what I meant by open the file was something like OSRead but I want the content in binaries so it is not gibberish.
When using OSRead I get the gibberish content.
At 07 APR 2020 10:36AM Donald Bakke wrote:
Sorry if I wasn't clear, what I meant by open the file was something like OSRead but I want the content in binaries so it is not gibberish.
When using OSRead I get the gibberish content.
What are you expecting the content to look like? If it is binary then wouldn't you expect the content to look like binary?
At 07 APR 2020 10:41AM Andrew McAuley wrote:
With Don on this. Going to guess it's down to a Unicode/ansi issue on upload or similar.
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