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At 21 FEB 2022 08:40:49PM Barry Stevens wrote:

Having issues with IIS , so gone back to basics set from the installation & config manual.

So end up with this url:


runs with blank screen and the same error (hidden) that I am getting trying to get inet_ routines to work.

So this is then nothing to do with custom routing it is straight vanilla OI.

Chrome developer tools shows me a issue with ""

I will attempt to post a screenshot.


At 22 FEB 2022 05:46AM Andrew McAuley wrote:

Have you whitelisted the routines you are trying to run?

The Sprezzatura Group

The Sprezzatura Blog

World leaders in all things RevSoft

At 22 FEB 2022 03:16PM Barry Stevens wrote:

Have you whitelisted the routines you are trying to run?

The Sprezzatura Group

The Sprezzatura Blog

World leaders in all things RevSoft

Yes in CFG_INET fileld 5 along with other custom inet_ routines (which I am also having issues getting working, that is why I am here - getting the same error)

While I have your attention. Trying to get my head around the logic of a few things ( Some I know the answer, some I dont - just need clarification )


OECGI(3,4)registry setting:

If you have (say) an O4W app and an INET_ app and the 'listener' ProcedureName are different for both and also the account name, how do you create the registry entries.


How do you tell the OengineServer which listener proc should be listening for the url you enter. (if that is how it works)


If on your PC you have OI9 and OI10 I assume 'listener' app to run is taken from the OI version that the OengineServer was started from.


If I am running inet_ web routines, do I also have to set anything up in the c:\inetpub folder, I see log files in there that appear to reflect what I have been doing.


Are there any further IIS settings that might need to be set under particular circumstances further to what is in the quick start guide.


FYI, the INET stuff was copied from another PC - the OI and separate WEB folder with all the jquery jmobile stylesheets etc etc.

As the system is working on that PC, do you have any suggestions as to where I might look for settings on that PC that could be specific to that inet_ application.

Let me know if any of these should be posted as separate entities on the forum.

As you can tell, I am totally out of my depth here and just been using my logic and detective hat.

…and also then attempting to learn O4W(maybe have to be in OI9!!)

At 22 FEB 2022 03:49PM Jared Bratu wrote:


I think that screenshot or error about the server is a red herring UNLESS you modified your inet_trace program. There is no reason that the inet trace screen or a failed response should be showing that error unless you perhaps somehow modified inet_trace or maybe have some plugin in your browser that is trying to react to the message and showing the chrome dev tools error.

You might want to check the network tab in chrome developer tools to see what the actual error response was to the localhost request.

Can you get to HTTP://localhost/o4w/start.htm?

Jared Bratu

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 22 FEB 2022 05:48PM Barry Stevens wrote:


I think that screenshot or error about the server is a red herring UNLESS you modified your inet_trace program. There is no reason that the inet trace screen or a failed response should be showing that error unless you perhaps somehow modified inet_trace or maybe have some plugin in your browser that is trying to react to the message and showing the chrome dev tools error.

You might want to check the network tab in chrome developer tools to see what the actual error response was to the localhost request.

Can you get to HTTP://localhost/o4w/start.htm?

Jared Bratu

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.


getting a bit further - now my IIS matches my registry oecgi3 sub keys :smile:

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