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At 04 FEB 2021 02:16:58PM Richard Hunt wrote:

I would like to know the field information for the REVMEDIA table. The OpenInsight help describes a couple of the fields. I Believe there are 18 fields. I would like to know the rest. I know they are different for each filing system.

OpenInsight Help describes…

0*1 = Table name.

0*2 = Volume name.

1 = OS file name.

2 = MFS names.

I believe the following…

3 = Volume or database.

5 = Volume or database.

13 = Table alias name.

16 = Date time stamp.

17 = Flag 0=DICT file type, null for DATA file type.

18 = MV list of table attributes (as noted in CREATE_TABLE subroutine) .

At 12 JUN 2021 03:16PM Richard Hunt wrote:

Is this topic not to be supported? Or maybe this is not the correct place to request this information? I do believe this is topic item is to be included in the annual works subscription. If so then I would like the information or proper instruction on how and where to ask or get this information.

If this information is not to be offered to works members then please say so. Now if some works members have this information then I would like it too.

At 12 JUN 2021 05:01PM bob carten wrote:

There is an insert named which describes the layout of revmedia records.

At 12 JUN 2021 05:01PM bob carten wrote:

There is an insert named which describes the layout of revmedia records.

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