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At 13 APR 2023 03:16:27AM Barry Stevens wrote:

Am using the WYSIWYG to create a mobile form.


Mobile widget - List Divider

How do I create the content to look like the 'List Divider' here...

At 13 APR 2023 03:30AM Barry Stevens wrote:

Am using the WYSIWYG to create a mobile form.


Mobile widget - List Divider

How do I create the content to look like the 'List Divider' here...

"Collapsible Lists" → Inset, collapsible set

would even be better

Can that be done with wysiwyg, if not, how?

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  • third_party_content/community/commentary/forums_works/fd0e49ba3567f6468efc4596c6f0ac51.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/05/23 12:38
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