Indexing issue (OpenInsight 32-bit)
At 24 MAR 2020 06:44:14PM cmeyer wrote:
I have a file (DUST_SYSTEM) with a 2 part key (QUOTE_NO*SYSTEM_NO). The "QUOTE_NO" in Btree indexed. If the "QUOTE_NO" key is a varchar and perform:
There a no items in the list, yet:
Extract_Si_Keys("DUCT_SYSTEM", "QUOTE_NO", Quote_No, Keys)
returns the correct list of keys.
If the first part key is an integer the list is complete.
I have tried removing the btree index (List command ok) and recreating the btree index and problem still exists.
Using OI 9.4
Had a look at the !DUCT_SYSTEM file and the index location for 18600 is different if the dictionary is varchar vs integer.
Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug.
Any advice would be grateful.
At 24 MAR 2020 06:53PM Donald Bakke wrote:
This seems very similar to a bug we recently discovered and reported. It specifically relates to numeric fields that are left justified. There is a patch to SI_REDUCTION in the works that has helped us out. You might want to request a pre-release copy of the patch to see if it fixes your issue.
At 24 MAR 2020 07:19PM cmeyer wrote:
Hi Revelation support,
I am happy to wait for the SI_REDUCTION patch as long it's released within the next weeks or so. If not, then a copy sent to:
would be grateful.
At 24 MAR 2020 08:40PM bob carten wrote:
Hi Chris,
I sent you a copy.
- Bob