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At 08 NOV 2007 01:09:33PM Patrick McCann wrote:

I took the following from a previous post.

"Since upgrading to 7.2.1 from 4.1.3, my ADDTABLE reports only prints the column headings on the first page, not subsequent pages."

Although I haven't done an upgrade and am running 7.2.2 I am encountering the same issue with the column headings only printing on the first page. I have not used the ADDTABLE before so it may be a problem on my end but I wanted to confirm the this issue was resolved in 7.2.2

Thank you,


At 08 NOV 2007 04:52PM Barry Stevens wrote:

This was a bug that was fixed in the "OpenInsight 7.2.1 General Patch".

Whether it was in included in the 7.2.2 upgrade, I do not know, because I installed the patch as I had the problem.

At 08 NOV 2007 05:49PM Patrick McCann wrote:

Barry, Thank you for the information. Could someone from Revelation please comment and if it was not included in the 7.2.2 upgrade is there any problem with applying the 7.2.1 patch to the 7.2.2 version or is this even possible? Thank you for your help.


At 08 NOV 2007 06:58PM Karen Oland wrote:

It is not in the 7.2.2 release. It did install just fine in that version for me (had same problem at a customer site .. I had installed when the patch came out, where they upgraded to 7.2.2 first and had to install the patch later).

You could always inspect the patch file manually, but I seem to recall that it only had that one "fix" in it (and the code it updated was not updated in the 7.2.2 update … otherwise, the fix would probably have made it in).

At 10 NOV 2007 07:10PM's Don Bakke wrote:


There were four patches for various issues that were posted for the 7.2.1 vesion of OI. Officially, none of these were included in the 7.2.2 upgrade but they can all be installed on your system.

These are all available in the Works Downloads section or, if you prefer, we can work with you on these next week.

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 12 NOV 2007 08:16AM Bob Orsini wrote:

Patrick, you should apply the patches after 7.2.1. These will not effect the 7.2.2 upgrade and will fix the addtable and a few other issues.

At 12 NOV 2007 10:03AM Don Muskopf wrote:

Are these patches in 7.3 and later?

At 13 NOV 2007 08:26AM Bob Orsini wrote:

Not in 7.3 but should all exists in 8.0.

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