Using oecgi2 in place of oecgi (OpenInsight 32-Bit)
At 22 JAN 2009 11:09:38AM Paxton Scott wrote:
Someone can probably save me from some 'reinventing'.
I have been using oecgi for some time and have a running web site ( that works great.
I have been working on converting to oecgi2, but find a problem I have yet to overcome.
The replies from my INET_dce are of two types. One works fine, the other causes a '500 internal server error' (Premature end of script headers). The reply that works is one where I OSread an html page, swap some strings and return it.
The one that fails is the result of a call from the httpRequest object. In this case, i am just sending a string back. (Repeat: works fine with oecgi.)
Since I do not deal with headers, I presume that oecgi or something prepares the headers for me, and apparently OECGI2 does not.
I do not know (yet) how to adjust my code to make my system work under oecgi2.
Can someone point me in a helpful direction?
Thanks, and have fun!
At 22 JAN 2009 11:36AM's Paul Simonsen wrote:
Are the OECGI and OECGI2 in the same copy of OpenInsight? If they are not, then I would recommend debugging the Inet_Finalize procedure in each copy of OI to see if the returned variable structure is the same as well as if the header structure is the same as well.
If they are the same copy of OpenInsight, you could try forcing the headers to Content-Type: text/html to see if that helps. Another thing to try is to play with the Response_Is_Binary$ variable (Inet_Equates) to see if that helps the returned data.
Hope this helps,
At 22 JAN 2009 11:44AM Paxton Scott wrote:
Thanks, Paul.
it is the same copy, same machine and all. Using Apache2.2, and I can switch back and forth.
So, I will follow your suggestions and try prepending some headers to see what happens. I have not yet succeeded in setting up the debug environment that Bob suggested.