String comparison in OpenInsight - Part 2 - UTF8 Mode

Published 18 MAY 2021 at 02:36:17PM

Welcome to the second part of our mini-series explaining the mechanics of how string comparisons are handled in OpenInsight. In our previous post we looked at the inner workings when running in ANSI mode - this time we'll look at UTF8 mode instead.

(Note that we've included some Basic+ pseudo-code examples in this post to illustrate more clearly how some parts of the comparison routines work. These are simplifications of the actual C++ internal functions and not actual code from the system itself.)

In UTF8 mode characters can be multi-byte and therefore have a value greater than 255 (normally referred to as their "code point", or in Basic+ terms, the Seq() value of a character), so this means that the standard ANSI-mode method described previously cannot be used. Instead, a slightly different approach is taken to allow higher code points to be included in custom sorting.

When the system is loaded the UTF8 library creates an internal character-map (called the "ANSI-map") which is a 256-element array (0-255) of code-point values. This is initialized to the same values as the standard ANSI character set, i.e. position 65 will have the code point for the ANSI character with the value of 65, position 230 will have the code point for the ANSI character with the value of 230 and so on.

This ANSI-map this can be changed at runtime so that code points that are higher than 255 can be included, and code points that appear in the ANSI-map are always sorted lower than those that aren't, regardless of their actual value. The following functions (exported from RevUTF8.dll) are used to query and update the ANSI-map:

GetAnsiToUnicode - returns the code point for a specified map element.

// MapIndex - must be an integer between 0 and 255 
CodePoint = GetAnsiToUnicode( MapIndex )  

SetAnsiToUnicode - updates the code point for a specified map element.

// MapIndex - must be an integer between 0 and 255
// NewCodePoint - integer value of the code point to set
Call SetAnsiToUnicode( MapIndex, NewCodePoint )

When comparing two characters we first need to find a "sort index" for a character which is determined as follows:

  • Get the code point value for the character being compared.
  • Look in the ANSI-map using the low byte value of the code point as the index. If the value at that position is the same as the character code point then the sort index is set to that index and it is marked as "found".
    • E.g. If the character has a code point value of 458 (0x1CA) then it's low-byte value is 202 (0xCA). If the ANSI-map contains the value 458 at index 202 then the sort index is set to 202 and it is marked as "found".
  • Otherwise, scan backwards through the ANSI-map looking for an element that has the same value as the code-point for the character. If we match it then the sort index is set to the same position and it is marked as "found".
// Pseudo-code
dim ansiMap( 255 )
sortIndex = -1 ; // Not found
codePoint = seq( ch )
testIndex = bitAnd( codePoint1, 0xFF )
if ( ansiMap( testIndex ) == codePoint ) then
   // Found
   sortIndex = testIndex
end else
   // Not found
   for testIndex = 255 to 0 step -1
      if ( ansiMap( testIndex ) == codePoint ) then
         // Found and exit loop
         sortIndex = testIndex

Once this has been done for both characters we use the following comparison procedure:

  • If one of the characters is marked as "not found" and the other as "found", the latter is always sorted before the former.
  • Otherwise we now proceed in a manner similar to the ANSI comparison:
    • If we are using a collation sequence the sorting value for each character is extracted from the appropriate sequence using the sort index we determined above.
      • E.g. if the sort index was 202 then the sort value for the comparison is the value of the byte at position 203 (1-based) in the sequence.
    • If we are using a case-insensitive comparison without a collation sequence the two sort indexes (not values!) are masked with 0xDF and compared.
    • If we are using a case-sensitive comparison without a collation sequence the two original code-point values are compared.
// Pseudo-code
begin case
   case ( sortIndex1 == -1 ) and ( sortIndex2 == -1 )
      // Both Non-ANSI-mapped - use a simple code point compare
      cmpVal = codePoint1 - codePoint2
   case ( sortIndex1 == -1 )
      // sortIndex2 was found in the ANSI map so it's sorted lower
      cmpVal = 1
   case ( sortIndex2 == -1 )
      // sortIndex1 was found in the ANSI map so it's sorted lower
      cmpVal = -1
   case OTHERWISE$
      // Both are ANSI mapped
      begin case
         case hasCollationSequence
            sortVal1 = seq( collationSequence[sortIndex1+1,1] )
            sortVal2 = seq( collationSequence[sortIndex2+1,1] )
         case isCaseInsensitive         
            sortVal1 = bitAnd( sortIndex1, 0xDF )
            sortVal2 = bitAnd( sortIndex2, 0xDF )
         case OTHERWISE$
            sortVal1 = codePoint1
            sortVal2 = codePoint2
      end case
      cmpVal = sortVal1 - sortVal2
end case

So, this system works pretty well out of the box for languages that can be expressed using the ANSI character set, but for other languages much of the burden falls on the application developer to maintain and tune the language settings and collation sequences to their requirements. This could require considerable effort and ignores much of the functionality provided by the OS itself, so in the next post we'll take a look at how this is being addressed in the next release.


Original ID:
  • third_party_content/revdevx/19497.6085300926.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/01/29 20:23
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