Taskbar Integration - Progress Bars

Published 03 MAY 2013 at 01:00:17AM

Updated on 05 MAY 2013 at 01:00:17AM

One of the most useful features introduced with the Windows 7 taskbar was the ability to display progress information directly on your form's taskbar button.  OpenInsight 10 exposes this functionality via two new WINDOW properties:


This is a simple @fm-delimited array composed of two fields that contain the current progress value (i.e. the proportion complete) and the maximum progress value (i.e. the value when completed).


[caption id="attachment_792" align="aligncenter" width="439"] PROGRESSVALUE of 50,100[/caption]

Note that this property is set-only.

This property specifies the appearance of the progress bar. It can be one of the following values:

  • "0" - No progress Information
  • "1" - Normal (green)
  • "2" - Error (red)
  • "3" - Paused (yellow)
  • "4" - Indeterminate (this results in a marquee-style effect)


[caption id="attachment_793" align="aligncenter" width="439"] PROGRESSSTATE of 2[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_794" align="aligncenter" width="442"] PROGRESSSTATE of 3[/caption]

Note that this property is set-only.

Further reading

More information on taskbar Progress Bars can be found here, along with some guidelines on their usage here.

(Disclaimer: This article is based on preliminary information and may be subject to change in the final release version of OpenInsight 10).


At 05 MAY 2013 04:23PM David Tod Sigafoos wrote:

Bravo! This is some great new "MODERN" funtionality. Doesn't really buy the developer anything in way of system design but it does give the developer ways to give the ever important "Eye Candy" to the user.

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