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Indexing in Opensight Part 2 - How index transactions get created Sometimes it's good to be reminded... Installation Procedures for an OpenInsight Thin Client System A week in the life of a Revelation Consultant EditTable Cookbook - Trapping Mouse Messages UTF8 and Binary Manipulation EditTable Cookbook - Handling Large Arrays To Malloc or not to Malloc - that is the question UTF8 - To Malloc or not to Malloc - that is another question UTF8 and the extended string operators Indexing in OpenInsight Part 3 - How transactions get updated UTF8 - The BRemove statement BFSs Redux - being an examination of the concept of Base Filing Systems UDH 4.6 - Cracking the code Thou shalt encrypt Sprezzatura Windows API Library EditTable Cookbook - Clearing single row selection From the department of shooting oneself in the foot... EditTable Cookbook - Selecting and deselecting rows EditTable Cookbook - Row selection without focus Random numbers in OpenInsight Semiversal Driver Popups - OI Downs The Case of the Absent MENU Event The Mysterious Case of the Dialog Box checkbox OI and the Windows 7 System Font Building a better Delay() - Part 1 Another week, another month's work Indexing Enigma Revelation Conference 2011 OI Log Files - a practical demonstation of sleuthing Latent and Resolved Selects Making Progress With Selects An Open and Shut Case EditTable Cookbook - Trapping the ENTER key DATAFILE= In OpenInsight Selects and File Resizing Down on the farm Run_Report, Walk_Report, Crawl_Report Working with Multiple Cursors Using the Table Browser from within a program You want to do WHAT with a Popup? Oh - OK then... You want to do WHAT with Popups - Part 2 O4W Wrinkles RTI_DIFF - This one's for Dave Send_Message optimisation Unintended Overflow Frames Peek a Boo! I'd buy THAT for a dollar! Driving Us Mad All Things Being Equals DBT vs Attach Images DBT vs Attach_Table Redux Bitten By Braces RevCon 2013 - A Biased Perspective Pass the Parcel Swapsies! Gotcha! The mysterious case of the modified index name The Case of the Vanishing Data Adventures in AREV/32 Land Using concatenated arguments - a warning OpenInsight Coding Standards All you wanted to know about HTTP headers (but were afraid to ask) Mission R/List - Ghost Protocol When Is A Catalog Not A Catalog? When is a DEP issue not a DEP issue? UDH - Journaling Or Not? Logging Redux A view from the Rev Conference 2015 AREV32 and CFG_CTO Options Chasing down OLE errors - what's DWORD? Hexes and Curses Debug at will When in the course of LH Events OI 10 - Conference Presentation Linear Hash Rehashed Sometimes technical knowledge alone doesn't cut it... The more things change, the more they don't stay the same Execrable Xlate OpenInsight X - a sneak peek OI X - Windows Properties For Improved Productivity Moving ANSI data to UTF-8 The Magic UTF-8 Check Box Dynamic Arrays and Concatenation Open Sesame! Identically named volumes Zero Bites (Hard) OpenInsight - Genesis Golden Slumbers Close OIs Promoting a new OI 10 feature. TECHNIQUES DESCRIBED HERE ONLY WORK IN 10.0.8+ Extending Our Promotion Query By Form (QBF) revisited A word in your shell-like... Prototyping DLLS in OI 10 using the new UI PDISK issues Demystifying clientsetup.exe ARRAY and LIST properties Indexing issues on LARGE tables OI 10 makes it easier to get onto the Property ladder You are Auth-ful - but I like you Owned - By A Panel Y2K Redux - Indexing Issues With Dates OR 20100 - A Search Oddity Sort of obvious in hindsight FIXLH Explored It pays to be pragmatic... Snippets - TCL Commands Snippets - Date/Time Selection Snippets - Webviewer Issues 40 Years to life... 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