
Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Browse_Popup%

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When the user presses Ctrl-I the Browse Edit window is displayed showing the list of keys in the current browse list. To refine this list still further the user may press Shift-F1 to display a popup of all the keys in the browse list for refinement. To add further information to this popup the user may press Shift-F2 to display the fields to add to the Shift-F1 popup. This defined structure is used until the user opts to rechange the structure using Shift-F2 again. This user definition is stored in WC_Browse_Popup%.

WC_Browse_Popup% contains the definition of the format variable for the popup displayed when the user presses Shift-F1, that is, the fifth parameter to the POP.UP call defining display fields. It therefore has the standard structure of field: width: just: oconv: heading (\ field: width: just: oconv: heading).

The variable is constructed the first time that the Browse Edit window is invoked, however if it is constructed programmatically before Browse Edit is invoked the defined structure will be used in preference to the default.

(Volume 2, Issue 10, Page 10)

  • tips/revmedia/v2i10a10.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
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