
@ATTACK - @Query.Table

Published ByDateVersionKnowledge LevelKeywords
Sprezzatura Ltd01 OCT 19901.16+EXPERT@QUERY.TABLE

A dynamic array, field mark delimited with three elements

       < 1 >     Key to Query on lists file
       < 2 >     Select statement used to generate list
       < 3 >     Number of hits

A minor caveat - <3> has the last character truncated in 2.01. Thus if there were 30 hits the last table entry would record 3. This is probably the result of a [-1,1] = "". Can be amended.

(Volume 2, Issue 5, Pages 10,11)

  • tips/revmedia/v2i5a13.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
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