Creating Demonstration Applications

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The Advanced Revelation Demonstration System is designed to provide not only a demonstration of Advanced Revelation, but also a platform for the creation of demonstration applications. Developers can use the Advanced Revelation Demonstration system to distribute samples of their applications both safely and cost-effectively.

By using the demonstration system for distributing applications, developers can show potential customers how an application functions, without the cost of shipping a full or runtime version of Advanced Revelation. At the same time, because the demonstration system is crippled, developers obtain a degree of security over their application and its distribution.

The Advanced Revelation demonstration system (available directly through Revelation Technologies) consists essentially of a full copy of Advanced Revelation along with documentation providing installation instructions plus the Advanced Revelation tutorial.

Note: Developers are welcome to copy the demonstration system software for distribution.

The demonstration system allows potential Advanced Revelation customers to develop complete applications, or to run existing ones – up to a point. All functions from the full package are included, but the demonstration system imposes these limits on development and execution of applications:

  • processing is limited to 40 record keys
  • the editor truncates records after 40 lines
  • the compiler will not accept programs larger than 40 lines

Note that these limits are not imposed by using special versions of these programs. Instead, the system routines used for these functions activate the limits based on various factors in the demonstration system environment. This ensures that a demonstration system cannot be converted to or used as a full system by downloading non-protected versions of these routines from a full development system.

Although the demonstration system has limits on the length of programs, it can run existing windows and programs as is. For example, although the demonstration system cannot create a program of 100 lines, it can run the object code for such a program.

A developer has the option of creating (or recreating) applications directly in the demonstration system, subject to the limitations above. This is impractical in most situations, however.

A simpler option is to load the application onto the demonstration system as if loading it onto a runtime or full development system. Unless the application load procedure violates one of the limitations listed above, it will function as designed for full systems. Once loaded, the application will run normally, again subject to the above limitations.

Because developers may wish to distribute demonstration applications widely, the demonstration system includes protective measures. These preclude users from changing a demonstration application, or from loading an application obtained under the auspices of a demonstration onto a full development copy of Advanced Revelation.

The most complete protection is offered to applications built using the demonstration system itself. Windows and R/BASIC object code created using the demonstration system cannot be executed on either a full or a runtime version of Advanced Revelation.

However, because most developers will not be creating applications using the demonstration system, additional measures are offered.

Protecting Windows

Simple protection for windows is automatic in the demonstration system. The demonstration system does not allow users to change windows with Paint if those windows were created using a full system. Potential customers may thus execute, but not change, windows available in a demonstration application.

Further protection is available through the window encrypter (the Encryption option on the Developer menu). The demonstration system can execute encrypted windows in the same manner as a full system. Encrypting windows thus does not prevent them from being executed, but does prevent them from being changed if loaded onto another full system.

Protecting object code

Object code is, of course, inherently protected from change, and can thus be distributed in demonstration applications safely.To prevent object code from being transferred to other full systems, however, developers can again use the window encrypter on the demonstration system. Object code that has been encrypted window encrypter can be executed on the demonstration system but cannot be executed on another full system.

Developers can therefore create special versions of their applications for use with the demonstration system. Windows should be run through the window encrypter to prevent them from being changed by another full version of Advanced Revelation. Object code should be run through the demonstration system window encrypter to prevent it from being executable on other full systems.

(note: full system means full or runtime Advanced Revelation)


  • Windows and programs created in the demonstration system cannot be executed on a full system


  • The demonstration system can execute but cannot change windows created under the full system
  • The demonstration system can execute but cannot change encrypted windows created under the full system
  • Full systems can execute but cannot change encrypted windows created under the full system

Object Code

  • The demonstration system can execute object code created under the full system
  • The demonstration system can execute encrypted object code created under the full system (encrypted using the demonstration system)
  • Full systems cannot execute encrypted object code
  • tips/revmedia/r8.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
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