

Published ByDateVersionKnowledge LevelKeywords
Revelation Technologies14 NOV 19892.XEXPERTAppendix

System Variables


@BROWSE.MODE is a boolean flag having a value of true if a browse list is active, and false otherwise.


@ENVIRON.SET is an array of system-wide environment settings. The fields are initialized at login. All field settings are accessible at the Environment window. The structure of @ENVIRON.SET appears in the ENVIRON.CONSTANTS record of the INCLUDE file. See that record for more information.

1E.INSERT.MODEPut editor in insert mode if true.
2E.BACK.CHARPrint this as the background char.
3E.TCL.DEPTH# of TCL items saved in memory.
4E.TCL.SAVETCL stack save file.
5E.PORTCom. port information: baud, etc.
6E.LOGONLogon: `M', `T', or `S'.
7E.BG.BACK.COLOROnly needed for color sequences.
9E.DEFAULT.STOPSMV list of stop words.
10DATA.TYPE.VERIFICATIONFlag: prompting of data types.
11E.TAB.STOPSSystem tab stops variables.
12E.STATUS.ONIf true, status lines are printed.
13E.STATUS.FORE.COLORColor literal of status line.
14E.CRTHIGHHeight of CRT.
15E.CRTWIDEWidth of CRT.
18E.EDIT.CASEFlag: case-insensitive edit searches.
20E.DRAG.ATRNo longer used.
21E.EDIT.ATRPAINT edit attribute color.
22E.ROW.LIMITMax. # of rows in a PAINT window.
23E.VIRTUAL.LIMITVirtual space limitation.
24E.PAINT.BACKDROPPaint use a backdrop?; not used.
25E.BACK.ATR.PTRBackdrop attribute literal; not used.
26E.BACK.ATRBackdrop attribute esc sequence.
27E.TYPEAHEADType ahead flag.
28E.QUERY.DEPTHNumber of queries to store.
29E.INDEX.TIMESeconds before bckgrnd indexing.
30E.BACKGRND.TIMESecs between checks for indexing.
31E.PLAYDELAY1/100's sec. for CAPTURE playb.
32E.BG.FORE.COLORColor to use with <2>.
34E.BEEPSBeeping messages if non-NULL.
35E.DFLT.BINDDefault dictionary binding mode.
36E.MESSAGE.TIMEDefault message time for `T' type.
37E.MENUDefault system menu for windows.
38E.TCL.ONFlag: TCL on from INPUT.CHAR.
39E.ENABLE.MACRO.EXECFlag: macros playback.
41E.ENABLE.MACRO.BUILDFlag: MACRO building enabled.
42E.SELECT.FLUSH.ONFlag: flush ind. trans. before select.
43E.DOS.SORT.VOLDOS volume for temp. sort files.
44E.EDIT.SNAPSHOTSFlag: EDIT snapshots while exiting.
45E.LINE.WRAPIf true, EDIT will auto wrap lines.
46E.LINE.INDENTIf true, EDIT will auto indent lines.
47E.LINE.INSERTIf true, EDIT will auto insert lines.
48E.DEFAULT.MACROMacro to be loaded at logon.
49E.SYS.MENU.POPUPFlag: sys. menus on menu.
50E.STATUS.BACK.COLORstatus line background color.
51E.DEFAULT.DATA.VOLDefault data volume.
53E.SUPPRESS.NONNUMERICSuppress nonnumeric messages.
54E.SUPPRESS.SYSTEM.MSGSSuppress system error messages.
55E.QUERY.BOTTOMFlag: prompt for QUERY in border.
56E.QUERY.CHARFlag: print this as QUERY mask.
57E.QUERY.SEL.CODECatalyst code for Query Select.
58E.QUERY.SEL.CMDCommand used for Query Select.
59E.VIEW.MODEFlag: R/LIST in View window.
60E.VIEW.RLIST.CODECatalyst code, default View.
61E.VIEW.RLIST.CMDThe command assoc. with <60>.
63E.DESTRUCT.EDITFlag: editor erases line.
64E.FKEY.FGROUNDHelp 1/2 status line fkey foregrnd.
65E.FKEY.BGROUNDHelp 1/2 status line fkey backgrnd.
66E.TRANS.VOLTransaction volume name.
68E.DEADLOCK.CHECKSeconds between deadlock checks.
69E.LOCK.TIMEOUTSeconds to transaction time-out.
70E.CONSISTENCY.LEVELLocking consistency number.
72E.LOCKING.GOV# of locks allowed from this station.
73E.AUTOTRANSFlag: Auto transaction start mode.
74E.DISABLE.LOCK.INT"Y/N": disable [Esc] key lock int.
75E.DEADLOCK.POSTINGSeconds before deadlock checking.
76E.SHADOWS.ONFlag: borders displayed w/shadows.
77E.INDEX.CODECatalyst code: alter. bckgrnd.
78E.INDEX.CMDCatalyst command for <77>.
79E.POST.CHECK.CODECatalyst code for post index check.
80E.POST.CHECK.CMDCatalyst command for <79>.
81E.NETCACHE.OPTIONFor network cache option.
82E.MSTYLEmenu style for WINUS.
83E.PULLDOWN.NUMBERSBoolean, number pulldown options.
84E.NULL.DISPLAY.STRINGString to represent SQL NULL val.
85E.MOUSE.ONBoolean, mouse enable.
86E.MOUSE.DEFKey to record in SYSTEM file containing mouse definition record.
87E.VIDTYPEVideo card type.
88E.LND.DEFAULTActive language set name.
89E.LND.LOADList of language sets to load into memory.
90E.QUERY.CASEQuery case sensitivity.(true = case insensitive).
91E.TIMEDATE.FMTTIMEDATE() override format.
92E.PRN.DRVSList of selected printer drivers.
93E.PRN.LPTNOAssociated list of devices for redirection.
94E.DETName of display equivalence table.
95E.SYS.DELIM.SUPPRESSBoolean, suppress input of system delimiters.

@DEFAULT.STOPS is a dynamic array specifying the data to disregard when indexing. The default values are specified at the Environment window.


@INSERT is an @FM-delimited array of information used by the editor. Each field contains a true or false flag, indicating whether a specific mode is active or inactive in the editor. The fields in this array are:

1Word wrap.
2Wrap line.
3Insert line.
4Indent line.
5Ignore case.

@LAST.SELECT.PROCESS contains the name of the last process executed as a filter.


@MESSAGES is a buffer for message records. Frequently used message records may be stored here for rapid retrieval. They are @RM-delimited, and any message may be stored in @MESSAGES by specifying "B"-type as part of its record structure.


@PRIORITY.INT is an array of the key or function key sequences defined as priority interrupts. These are:

<1>General Help [Ctrl-F1].
<2>TCL [F5].
<3>Capture keystrokes toggle [Alt-0].
<4>Edit captured keystrokes [Alt-8].
<5>Play back (execute) the captured keystrokes [Alt-9].
<6>Pause during playback operation [Ctrl-\].
<7>Keystroke conversion toggle [Ctrl -].
<8>Edit the macro key set [Alt-M].
<9>Start of defined macro keys [Alt -1] to [Alt-5].

Video Window Attributes

There are eight system variables that define the video attributes for a specific window environment:

@PWPopup windows.
@MWMenu windows.
@EWMessage windows.
@HWHelp windows.
@AWApplication windows.
@XWEdit and Zoom windows.
@VWMultivalue windows.
@SWSubvalue windows.

These variables are identically structured arrays. The fields are described below:

<4>Comment text for @HW; Highlight bar for @PW; Prompt label for @AW.
<5>Multiple selections for @PW; Index verification for @AW.
<6>Non-selected values for @PW and @MW; Message text for @EW.
<7>Labels for @AW; Quoted description for @MW.
<8>Text in @HW; Prompt entries for @AW.
<9>Border type (one of five types).
<10>Reverse video setting for current background video attribute in <3>.


@STATLIST is a buffer for status list templates defined in the STATUS.LIST record of the SYSTEM file. These templates are loaded into @STATLIST at login.

The @STATLIST variable is composed of two or more records. The first record is as follows:

<1>A value mark delimited list of status lines in memory.
<2>A pointer to the record containing the status line information.

The remaining records contain information about each status line. The structure of each record is as follows:

<1>A unique name for a status line template.
<2>Information to display in each cell. Data is @VM-delimited and padded with spaces to the full length of each cell. Extra spaces will be truncated.
<3>Format information. This field contains values and subvalues.

Each status line record is delimited by a record mark (@RM).

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