Reader's Clinic - Removing "Searching Cross References" Message

Published ByDateVersionKnowledge LevelKeywords
Sprezzatura Ltd01 NOV 19891.15+EXPERTMESSAGE, BTREE.EXTRACT, B234

Tony Mahler of Prosolve (England) asks "Can the "Searching Cross References" message displayed by BTREE.EXTRACT whilst it ios searching for index hits be removed? It doesn't fit in with the overall feel of my package".

Unfortunately removing the "Searching" message is rather clumsy. The message B234 can be modded using CW MESSAGE and made into an N type instead of a UB type. This has the effect that the message is no longer displayed. Unfortunately when the calling program tries to DB the image, BTREE.EXTRACT falls over with a VNA message. The only way around this is to edit the object code for $BTREE.EXTRACT and replace the occurrence of DB with two spaces. This must be done with Ed Ovr NOT Ed Ins. Once this has been done the program will work as requested and no message will be displayed. Of course when BTREE.EXTRACT is updated by a subsequent upgrade this mod will need to be repeated.

Neither Sprezzatura Ltd nor Revelation Technologies Inc recommend the manipulation of object code in this way.

(Volume 1, Issue 6, Page 3)

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