

Published ByDateVersionKnowledge LevelKeywords
Sprezzatura Ltd01 DEC 19891.15+EXPERT/MERGE/, MERGE, MARGIN

The system labelled common area /MERGE/ has much more extended application than that documented in issue 5. Frequently in documents it can be required to change the left margin on the fly, printing a covering letter at a left margin of 10, and changing to a left margin of 5 for the attached schedule. As this is not a supported command in MERGE it can be achieved by manipulation of the appropriate MERGE common variable. Simply create a symbolic called LM5 and within the symbolic set @ANS to "" and the sixth parameter (the left margin parameter) of the /MERGE/ common area to 5.

Remember to reset the margin to 10 after use as otherwise the margin will remain 5. Achieve this in the same way as LM5. As a side point note that as MERGE constructs it's print record in a variable, the maximum document size that can be merged is 64K (including all printer control codes).

(Volume 1, Issue 7, Page 11)

  • tips/revmedia/v1i7a25.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
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