
Uncommon Knowledge - WC_DataFile_Next%

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The name of the next datafile to use. To indicate to the system that a new datafile is active, the variable WC_New_Datafile% must also be set to TRUE. Then depending upon where in the prompt window the processing currently is, and upon the value of WC_Reset%, the following will happen :-

  • WC_Datafile% will be set to WC_Datafile_Next%
  • WC_Src_File% will be set to the file var of WC_Datafile_Next%
  • WC_Src_Dict% will be set to the dict file var of WC_Datafile_Next%
  • @DICT will be set to the dict file var of WC_Datafile_Next%

Note that these dictionary modifications will take place even if the dictionary was over-ridden on the command line with the DICT= syntax.

To force the system to recognise that WC_New_Datafile% and WC_Datafile_Next% have been set, the following action must be taken (where the legend reads "See Browse_Next" this indicates that the logic follows the same flow as WC_Browse_Next% at this point but instead of loading a new browse list it changes Datafile etc as above. The legend "Standard Caveat" means that using this is not a good idea on prompts other than the key, as the cursor is left stranded at the prompt with a blank screen and an @ID of "". The user is then able to proceed only by refreshing the screen with an F8 or by exiting the screen.)

See WC_Browse_Next%. Standard Caveat.

See WC_Browse_Next%. Standard Caveat.

See WC_Browse_Next%. Standard Caveat.

If WC_Reset% is not set will ignore setting of WC_New_Datafile%. Setting WC_Reset% to 2 or 3 will run the Post logic followed by the Perpetual logic and, if WC_Reset% is not changed, will load the new Datafile information. It will then run the Pre Prompt logic. Setting WC_Reset% to 4 it run the Perpetual logic and, if WC_Reset% is not changed, will load the new Datafile information. It will then run the Pre Prompt logic. If WC_Reset% is set to 5 it will behave as for WC_Reset% = 4 but omit the Perpetual logic. Standard Caveat.


See WC_Browse_Next%. Standard caveat.

See WC_Browse_Next%. Standard caveat.

See WC_Browse_Next%. Standard caveat.

(Volume 2, Issue 10, Page 11)

  • tips/revmedia/v2i10a17.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
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