
Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Browse_List%

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A value-mark delimited list of record ids in the current browse list. Note that when there is a record displayed in the window there is always a browse list, even if it is only one record being looked at. In this case the WC_Browse_List% variable would just contain @ID.

If there is an active select list pending when the window is entered, this will be loaded into WC_Browse_List%. If the select list is not resolved it will be resolved.

If there are record ids on the command line calling up the window (EG WINDOW WINDOW_COMMON BLABEL) they will be appended to WC_Browse_List%. This means that if three records are selected and then the window is called nominating another record on the command line there will be four records in WC_Browse_List%.

(Volume 2, Issue 10, Page 8)

  • tips/revmedia/v2i10a8.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
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