
QTIPS - V118

Published ByDateVersionKnowledge LevelKeywords
Sprezzatura Ltd01 JAN 19912.021+EXPERTV118, LKDUMP

Owners of the first Volume of REVMEDIA will recall that we dismissed V118 as an "Assembler routine used by LKDUMP for double integer conversions". Recently a reader said "Excuse me?" - so to clarify : V118 is a subroutine that takes two parameters, the passed value and the value to be returned. The passed value can be up to three bytes in length and is a "Base 256" number in lo-byte, medium byte hi-byte order. The returned value is the decimal equivalent of the passed value. Thus if V118 were passed CHAR(1) : CHAR(2) : CHAR(3) it would return 197,121 (1 + (2 * 256) + (3 * 256^2). This is of most use in manipulating Link files where the header information is stored in this format.

(Volume 2, Issue 8, Page 5)

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  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
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