
QTIPS - Runtime Version

Published ByDateVersionKnowledge LevelKeywords
Sprezzatura Ltd01 MAY 19912.03+EXPERTRUNTIME, BITAND

Developers writing for distribution on Runtime versions may want to restrict use of certain routines to only those users possessing a full development version.

This sort of information is stored in a system variable called RUNTIME(). To check whether the version of AREV running currently is runtime just BITAND the variable with 2048. To maintain consistency with the AREV way of doing things to deny access to things on a runtime, use the same message RevTech use i.e.

IF BITAND(RUNTIME(),2048) ELSE CALL MSG(140,'','','')

(Volume 3, Issue 1, Page 15)

  • tips/revmedia/v3i1a9.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/19 20:20
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